Dict-jian-ary: S to Z
Words and phrases beginning with the letters S to Z:
- exp. The incomplete form of 'seeeeeeeeeeeeeeow'. Voice trails off high-pitched for emphasis on how irrational something is.
- Modified Singlish. Popularised in the EFers by Nick, Dwayne, Linus.
- eg. "You get $450 a month?? Seeeeeeeeeeeeee..."
- slang rhetoric. 'Seriously', but with a hint of drawl and/or sarcasm.
- Jess, in her bid to be more in touch wit da hood.
- "I tell you, its the truth!" "Seriouzly?"
- adj. Damn pwningly good. Derivative of 'Sensy', or vice versa.
- EFers, Johan/Dwayne/Daryl.
- eg. "The food here is quite sensual/sexual/sensy leh.. Let's eat here more!"
- n. Any article of clothing that is deemed too little, too small or too inappropriate for the particular weather conditions (usually winter).
- HoboHorde: After Nick's perpetual use of the fabled 'Orange Pants'
- eg. "Don't wear your skimps out please.. It's too cold." - v. Skimps run, or the action of skimps-running.
- HoboHorde: Nick & DW, after racing around the snow resort in shorts and slippers
- eg. "Eh let's skimps run to the other room! Last one there stays out for 5 minutes!"
- n. A person or thing that demonstrates suspicious characteristics.
- DotAgAng: Dwayne. Pun on the word 'cheekopek'.
- eg. "That sneakopek clinkz is windwalking now." - adj. Being sneaky and underhanded.
- name. Nick's dog, Max.
"(Then) Spank It"
- rhetoric. Usually added to hilariously end conversations about something one isn't particularly interested in.
- EFers: Johan
- eg. "Eh you know quasars in astrophysics are..." "Aiyah just spank it lah."
- v. Contracted form of 'expected', signifying something that was earlier predicted came true.
EFers, when we realised the extra syllable of 'ex' was redundant considering the number of times we used it.
- eg. "You didn't do your homework?? Spected."
Tab's Song
- association. Tabitha's (from church) theme song, "Belly Dancer" by Akon, whether she likes it or not.
- EFers: Nick/Linus
- eg. "OMG tab's song is playing on the radio AGAIN!"
- v. Short for 'maintain', used in the context of asking people to calm down.
- EFers: Linus and Johan.
- eg. "Quick!! We're missing the bus!" "Tain, tain."
- n. Dung/Waste/Excretion, or having the qualities of it.
-EFers: Linus. Shortened form of 'tapian', which is shit in chinese. Was used as a label for these disturbing flash clips of excreta.
- eg. "'Heffalump' was a damn tap movie leh."
- Derivatives: tappoz, tapxor, tap-clips, tappy, etc - v. The act of tapping, or shitting.
- adj. (Sarcastically) Beyond satisfactory.
- EFers, exact origins unknown.
- eg. "You didn't do your work?? You're there lah.."
"Tio-Bah Le Bah (TBLB)"
- v. Death is imminent. See "Eihh liao".
- Dwayne modifying the phrase "tio bah" by adding a catchy 'le bah' behind to make it sound nice.
- eg. "You didn't do your homework? Wah TBLB liaos"
T.M.I. (Too Much Information)
- phrase. 'Nuff said.
- Brainchild from Boon and Dwayne, after overhearing a little too much about Eric's gross encounters.
- eg. "You know that spot on your inner thigh? What happens when..." "ERM T.M.I. T.M.I.!!"
- adj. Tight, as in, exceptionally good.
- adj. Taut, as in, sexily stretched.
- Originated from Goldmember, Austin Powers 3. Popularised by Nick and Dwayne.
- eg. "The very shecksy, the very toight... Austin Powers' FAHJAH!", "toight like a toiger"
- n. An exceptionally ugly thing. Also see 'Fuggs'.
- Dwayne's combination between 'troll' and 'ogre' to mean doubly... trollish. Akin to troll-bu.
- eg. "A troll-gre!! My eyes, they burn!!"
- n. A grotesquely gigantic... thing.
- EFers terminology, usually derogatory. Adapted from some obscure dialect.
- eg. Did you see that tua kee? I was lik, OMG! - adj. Used to describe something fantastically fat. Usually attached to the front or the back of the word to generalise something much larger.
- EFers terminology, neutral term.
- eg. Zen Tua-kee, Church Tua-kee, Lich Tua-kee.
- slang. Of character, displaying immense ugliness. Usually Singaporeans.
- EFers: Fabz.
- eg. "Kopping the free Macdonald's tissue is damn ugry lah."
- Derivatives: Ugry Singaporean
- contraction. Unglamourous, lacking in style and or foolish.
- Popularised by Nicole/Dwayne in EFers and 3N.
- eg. "Don't climb down that hill in your jeans lah, Nick. Its damn unglam!"
- onomatopoeia. See 'Eihh' from 'Eihh liao'.
- exp. Indicating amazement and/or disappointment
- HoboHorde: Nick/Dwayne, from the sound Donald Duck makes when pissed.
- eg. "I just scored 2400 on my SATs!" "Wak!"
- v. Physically impaired.
- adj. Lousy and crappy at whatever thing. Ah this definition is WEAK. Usually accompanied by this hand action of "You... Weak" with it changing from the index pointing at the person to a thumbs down.
- EFers: Johan. Action by Dwayne/Congren.
- eg. "You... Weak."
- adj. See 'Weask'
- DotAgAng: Dwayne. Popularised by regular DotAers: cwrox, mant1s, tappytapz.
- eg. "Don't be weask, don't let us down".
Derivatives: Weaskoid, Weaskie, Weaskling, CWeask.
- exp. Indicating shock.
- DotAgAng: Daryl, mis-spelling 'wakakaka', a deviant of 'wak'.
- exp. Indicating amazement
-EFers: Shan. Just Shan.
- eg. "Wowowo, what're you doing?" - exp. Indicating indifference, polite feign amazement.
-EFers: Dwayne. - n. Greeting
- CW, when incessantly bombarding DW on MSN
- onomatopoeia. Sucking sound that indicates that something is extremely sexy
- EFers: Ben/Jo, after putting the action into words with this current spelling.
- eg. After seeing Shan take off his shirt, Jo breaks into a long xuuuuuu.