Dog Eat Dog

Imma Eat You!
(Note: This is the only pic of him i got so far, so bear, uh, i mean dog with it)
Nubi surprised me on many, many counts today... Was walking him around the estate as usual (meaning i release his leash and let him trot a few steps in front or behind me), when he actually PEE'D! I was like, OMFG. And not because he urinated on the leash.
This is the first ever time Nubi has spreaded his skank outside the house. The last time, which so does not count, involved him whining and squirming and eventually diarrhoea-ing on some grass patch. I'm sure he couldn't wait till we went home O.o
This time, however, he did so ON HIS OWN ACCORD! I didn't even have to shout 'relieve yourself' at all. In case you're wondering, its this command i tried to teach him, whereby I would shout "relieve yourself!" everytime he was defiling the landscape so that the phrase would be ingrained and associated with the heinous deed. Supposedely, whenever i shouted that at other times, he would automatically relieve himself of excess baggage (hey it wasn't my failing idea... Some stupid pet guide).
Anyway, Nubi's first time was sure to attract some attention. A mangy, spotted-as-though-diseased, emaciated sorry excuse for a canine approached, tail-wagging. This sneaky bitch raised my suspicions as it inched closer and closer to Nubi, but i eventually let my guard down as it got closer under the facade of friendliness.
"GGGRRRRRRRRROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLLLLL!", with teeth baring (i know you have them lah, stupid dog, trying to make me jealous issit?). As usual, Nubi bo chuply continued sniffing the grass whilst i got the shock of my life. I immediately grabbed this oversized branch and swung it in the scrawny aggressor's face. To which it barked very audibly and continued snarling.
I backed away, all the while keeping my eyes on the dog. Nubi continued to carefreely inhale some excrement, most probably having enough self-confidence to stand up to bullies (read: Max).
I wish i could be more like Nubi. Cuter (heh jk), more practical, higher self-esteem, whimsical and free... Ok, definitely NOT hairier though.
Got a whopping 23.5/30 for Chem test. Wow. What a great way to start the holidays (hmm... sarcasm doesn't work very well in text, does it?)
Musing to the music of... On the Way Down - Ryan Cabrera
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