Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!



My current state of English is abysmally vaporous (read: ethereal, wispy and intangible). Its not that i am but a charlatan or an impeccable imitation, but that all the phrases i spew out in real life (yes, as a matter of fact, i have one) are completely... off.

Expressions aren't the only sufferable aspect of my English: There is the atrocious spelling, the inappropriate use of overly grandiose vocabulary and last but not least, the horrible punctuation.

Firstly, i realised my imcompetence when i had absolutely no committment and dedication to my Dictionary Project. The entire re-ignition was short-lived, probably exceeding the lifespan of a mosquito by a mere 2 minute minutes (not those from my room though. Those bastards live forever!).

Secondly, my forked tongue flicks faster than my brain can catch up. The result is a convoluted string of warbled and fused expressions such as "life has dealt him an ugly stick". Although i guess i CAN come up with some practical use and meaning for it... What about a loanshark (since he deals out pain and causes grievious and unsighly bodily scarring)?

Thirdly, the thin and fine line between British and American English is becoming ever more thin and fine to the extent of astringence (haha a-string-gence, geddit? ). Jen and I were zealously airing our viewpoints and arguments on the spelling of 'judgment' (waha guess which one i advocate?). In the end, however, the snootay Bri-ish spell it with the extra 'e'. Literally EXTRA siah!

Finally, my blog is doing NOTHING whatsoever to improve my English standard! Half the time, i illustrate my ideas imperfectly by cramming my entries full of structurally-unsound sentences (from the maniacally meandering to the short stop). The other half is littered with the trash that is singlish or EFeringlish somemore! Before long, i'm sure all you readers will be chanting "Obfuscation alerts in the future, please!"

Resolutions: Correct EVERY entry in my blog. By tonight. And if that isn't fantastical enough, i will also *shudder* READ MY GP NOTES! Who in the world reads GP notes (besides Haoyi, the default exception, but no more exceptional).

Splelign errers, improbable use of vocab, incorrect punctuation. And grammatical mistake are a thing of the past!

Running my 2.4 tomorrow to... Pass Da Blunt - Missy Elliott ft Aaliyah


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