Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!



Sprouting sans a single seed;
Unfurling from a fable, freed.
As do venomous vines villify,
Garish Gossip goes global.
Information runs its (dis)course.

Sickly green with envy,
Scarred hearts,
Severed consciences,
Sore(s) on all parts.
Once done you're done
Cure: None

Towards the maligering and the pious,
Towards the gentle and the violent,
Gossip spares no one.
Gossip ravages all.
And as did the influenza,
Mutates to even greater appall.

A friend you know knows a girl,
And a pretty one at that.
An innocent guy driving home his point.
Rumours that they've fallen
In love. Made love, flayed love.
Bodies unidentifiable,
Reputations irresuscitable.
While Gossip still thrives

The carriers, the infected,
The spreaders, the conductor,
The diseased, the deceased,
Everyone's susceptible,
Everyone's vulnerable.
It will NEVER cease.

Run for your life while Gossip runs strife.

Disclaimer: All poems unless otherwise stated are composed by dw. So there's no point in telling others i plagiarise e.e

Pondering away to... Rumours - Lindsay Lohan


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