The infamous article is here. My response?
(Note: the above exclaimations are NOT done jovially)
I shall futily attempt to justify the extremelyhunky heavy crown placed upon my head. A head that is on the contrary to 'hunks', full of synaptic brain matter and electrifying intelligence.
"Bloggers.SG" gives connotations enough of inbred and reclusive cave scum who haven't seen the light of day (or that of a club). Bloggers are generally introverted, socially inept people. What's more, if they happen to be Singaporean, they will also possess the characteristics and qualities of a smelly piece of jinchalok (read: only attractive to prawn stars).
It is hence not a very difficult task being given such a grotesque title as that. Pardon any innuendos, but i am NOT saying i'm some flaming hunk of beef. Can you not tell by my impeccable wielding of the English language? Can't you??? Damn.
The Straits Times has done it again. What began as an innocent interview about my innocence (or lack thereof) led to some government-conspired prominent figure profiling plan. Can't blame them though ;)
Please, define hunky:

Hunky? Nope.

Hmm... Still not quite...

The one to blame and flame is... DARYL HO. Who asked him to be so well-connected inside the journalism circles? Who asked him to have a relatively private blog (not now heh)? Who asked him to ask his friend to give me an interview?
Ah meh. I've always been waiting for a big blog break such as this. Hopefully, this will spurn more beautiful people to write blogs, since they would most probably be cursing "WHO IS THIS UGLY GUY TO BE NAMED HUNKIEST? I'M BETTER LOOKING THAN HIM!".
Hopefully, this will raise the eye-candy factor of Singaporean blogs ;). Right now, there's only Sandra's, Xiaxue's and mine...
Hunkying my hunky hunksome to... Never is Enough - Barenaked Ladies
(Note: the above exclaimations are NOT done jovially)
I shall futily attempt to justify the extremely
"Bloggers.SG" gives connotations enough of inbred and reclusive cave scum who haven't seen the light of day (or that of a club). Bloggers are generally introverted, socially inept people. What's more, if they happen to be Singaporean, they will also possess the characteristics and qualities of a smelly piece of jinchalok (read: only attractive to prawn stars).
It is hence not a very difficult task being given such a grotesque title as that. Pardon any innuendos, but i am NOT saying i'm some flaming hunk of beef. Can you not tell by my impeccable wielding of the English language? Can't you??? Damn.
The Straits Times has done it again. What began as an innocent interview about my innocence (or lack thereof) led to some government-conspired prominent figure profiling plan. Can't blame them though ;)
Please, define hunky:

Hunky? Nope.
Hmm... Still not quite...

The one to blame and flame is... DARYL HO. Who asked him to be so well-connected inside the journalism circles? Who asked him to have a relatively private blog (not now heh)? Who asked him to ask his friend to give me an interview?
Ah meh. I've always been waiting for a big blog break such as this. Hopefully, this will spurn more beautiful people to write blogs, since they would most probably be cursing "WHO IS THIS UGLY GUY TO BE NAMED HUNKIEST? I'M BETTER LOOKING THAN HIM!".
Hopefully, this will raise the eye-candy factor of Singaporean blogs ;). Right now, there's only Sandra's, Xiaxue's and mine...
Hunkying my hunky hunksome to... Never is Enough - Barenaked Ladies
At 8:51 PM ,
Anonymous said... are hunky alright.
At 1:02 AM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey! saw your blog add in the papers and so i came over to have a peek! (:
At 12:27 PM ,
Anonymous said...
Hey r u gay?
U sound it...
If u r...i m keen...
:) My number is 81122714
At 1:27 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hi.. u are handsome... and plz dont say tat u are ugly... even if u are everyone has an inner beauty.... plz tell me how to get more of ur pictures.... remember no one on this face of the earth has a so called UGLY FACE...even u!!!
At 2:17 PM ,
Marla S said...
congrats hunk.
I tink... I candidly took a shot of you while you were interviewed.
I will send u the picture, if you want :)
At 5:20 PM ,
dw said...
im not gay, and i dont think you should have put your number in the open like that o.O
btw scarlett, who are you!!??
At 7:27 PM ,
Marla S said...
Just some insignificant one at the conference to check the people out while pretending I don't own one.
Was trying to take the picture of the photographer who was pretty irritating but yet reminded me of a friend.
At 5:58 PM ,
Anonymous said...
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At 4:14 PM ,
Anonymous said...
well, i feel u r pretty hunky. perhaps u could prove it by taking a photo of urself doing something sporty? or simply bare ur torso... lol
At 12:19 AM ,
chengwei said...
This blog definitely becoming R21 liaoz... And NOT for sophisticated and controversial ideas.
Sheesh and I tought Nat'd be the one spreading his... wings in the porn industry. Seems like I gotta sign you up for some voyeuristic-pseudo-carnal-ventures too.
Drop me a line anytime. I'm always glad to help an old friend make his big break into reel (not hymen).
At 5:43 PM ,
Anonymous said...
so cute...more pics of u doin sports will be good...put up more pic man....u're cute!
At 2:56 PM ,
Anonymous said...
hi i think that u should put more of ur bared body pics in ur blog so tat people will visit it... like the one in this one.... thanks!!!
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