Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


Clubbings, Parties and..

.. essentially times of debauchery and destitution!

Haha just joking! The entries listed here chronicle the many clubbing escapades and house parties.. The many trips and events that are larger than typical everyday life! Notice the events only started occurring AFTER i got my camera.. Hai. Shoulda got one earlier.

SummerWelcome@MOSDunhill 8/7/06 - A trip to Singapore's largest, most famous club club (the first of many) to celebrate the return of Ka and Jeremy, with the booking of Dunhill room!

CosDay 11/8/06 - BananaRepublic's formation! The first time I meet Michelle! How could this landmark day at ECP not be in here?

Walk-Jog-Cycle 2006 12/8/06 - Hot chicks? Check. Nice scenery? Check. Plenty of exercise and pictures with the Minister? CHECK!

Krunk!@Sentosa 2/9/06 - BeachParty! Even though its no way comparable to ZoukOut, it still rocked somewhat.. Or more precisely, sand'ed somewhat.

P³ and His Warmed House 9/9/06 - The renovations finally complete, P³ finally opens his doors to his random hot friends, leaving me and Daryl to be mini-hosts for the night!

Thap Sum Bong 20/11/06 - Xuuusha is smokin' hot!

MOS#2 (Out of many more..) 2/12/06 - The first major party after the A levels!

Gradnight '06 7/12/06 - Graduation night aka the RJC prom! Pictures galore and memories abound.. No after-party pics though!

Celebrate@MOS 9/12/06 - Clubclub once more! Fabien's party and the introduction of Jess&Co to the clubbing scene! HotChickAlert!

KL 14/12/06 - The class trip to Kuala Lumpur! Not many pictures, but nonetheless an interesting, party-esque environment there! Cheap food rocks all.

USA 1/2/3 4/1/07 - The skiing trip to the USA! Along with the visit to Vegas and then on to the cars. Everyone should take a sabbatical there NOW.

B'day 07 8/1/07 - My birthday celebration! The first time holding such a HUGE party! Includes the guestlist, the events AND the presents! Enjoy!

JapFest@Zouk 24/2/07 - Dressed up as a Japanese Schoolboy to enter Zouk for free with some cosplayers! Music was quite sucky though..

Post-POP Party@MOSPerfectionist 16/3/07 - Celebrate good times come on! Booze, chicks, madness all in the Perfectionist Private Party room. Passed BMT, passed driving, life rocks!

And As We Part 20/12/07 - Tribute to the previous 5 months of my life (or lack thereof). The ENGINEERS, seek strive excel!

Meri Krismas from KL 22/12/07 - 25/12/07 - Christmas in KL with the ChewChia family at their holiday house.


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