Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


I Am...

I am the guy who was conceived by mistake.

I am the son who made the most noise, got everything he wanted, the way he wanted, and was still unhappy. I am the son who has been much of an ingrate, much of an ignoramus and much of a bastard. I am the son who has been loved, but who has loved back insufficiently.

I am the grandson that has been unfilial, that has been disrespectful and that has snapped at you when you asked if i had eaten. I am the grandson that has weaseled much money out of you. Yet i am the grandson you keep boasting about. I am the grandson who feels guilty, and wishes that he can appreciate you for your remaining years with us, unlike what he did for another.

I am the child who grew attached to you the most, and when you had to leave, was scarred for life and has cloistered himself in ever since. I am the child who enjoyed snuggling and blowing air bubbles into your stomach. I am the child who was spoiled into being a corpulent know-it-all by you. I am the child that is now an expert at hiding his feelings, the child that can now be no longer called one.

I am the child that found God through your leave. I am the child that found newfound friends through religion, and by jove, what good friends these are. I am the child that self-reformed for your memory, to emulate all that you stood for.

I am the child whom you left familial hypercholesterolemia, detected at the tender age of 16. I am the hypochondriac that cannot bear to be anything less than perfect. I am the hypochondriac that discovered the beauty of vegetables and Subway thanks to your parting gift.

I am the child most calculative. The child supposedly out of his teenage angst, which he was never in in the first place. I am the child who has been scolded for being 'gei kiang' multiple times, even when i was correct. I am the child who has written poetry for your birthday, whom has always remembered birthdays and presents.

I am the brother who kept sneaking into your room without your permission, fueling the feud that still exists a decade later. I am the brother who grudgingly respects you. I am the brother that wishes the best for you, that wishes for you to be successful and happy, but knows that you are not. I am the brother that misses playing softtoys with you.

I am the guy that still sleeps with softtoys (5). I am the guy that needs 13 assorted sleeping aids. I am the Christian that prays to sleep every night, with the line 'a peace that transcends all understanding', so that his fears and failures would not prod at him.

I am the cousin that has been so abusive, so evil. I am the cousin that has been forgiven, without a grudge held. I am the cousin that is now so appreciative of your presence.

I am the friend that has no time, that has been too lazy or that has been too tau and cliqueish. I am the friend that has been generous, only to be taken advantage of. I am the friend that is sarcastic, witty and funny, but never together. I am the friend that enjoys putting others down to artificially inflate himself. I am the friend that wants you to know that you are so much better. I am the friend whom once made, will be forever loyal provided contact is maintained. I am the friend who has tried to reinvent, to be more sociable.

I am the friend who helps whenever he can volunteeringly. I am the friend who will sacrifice to an extent. I am the friend who will send you care packages, hoping for some form of recognition.

I am the true friend to at least one, my pet.

I am the owner that has no time for you. I am the owner who loves you very much, who wishes he could just let himself loose and get dirty. I am the owner who wants to just sit down and hug you for the entire day and lavish you with treats. I am the owner who looks at you tethered to the corner, pities you, then returns to the air-con to blog.

I am the blogger who wanted to be famous. I am the blogger who has been writing with an audience in mind, who wants your criticisms and compliments. I am the blogger who wishes to get attention, however controversially. I am the blogger who 'writes well', yet feels that he is too pretentious at times. I am the blogger that is dismayed by the lack of fame attained, the lack of fame sustained.

I am the blogger who wants to see people laugh. I am the blogger who lives to entertain, and entertains to live. I am the blogger who wants to chronicle his works so that he may enjoy it in the future. I am the blogger deemed the 'Hunkiest', to many people's dismay. I am the blogger who has learned his lesson, but still keeps wanting to get burned.

I am the son whom you thought was gay, the nephew you thought was bulimic, the person whom you thought was superficial. I am the friend you thought was buaya, the classmate you thought overate, the person who was deep deep down. I am the guy you thought was cute, the guy you thought was ugly. I am the friend you felt betrayed by in your most dire times of need, the friend you felt was there for you. I am the guy you thought had loose morals, and yet was rigidly upright. I am the person to go for all things 'academic', and that only. I am the guy that wants you to want him for something more.

I am the guy you know deep down.

I am...

Kopping the template from to... My Chrome - Killer Mike


  • At 11:30 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said... a long list of confessions I think.

    You in a reflective mood lately? Or I'm totally off? haha

    Take care, you're cool, enjoy reading your stuff, no matter how crap it may b sometimes... ^_^


  • At 5:12 PM , Blogger Gail said...

    writing this kind of meme, u dig up alot of stuff u forgotten...its both beautiful and sad..

  • At 9:34 PM , Blogger dw said...

    haha my crap rocks! and yep eekypooh, this meme is a good retrospective to the past, in hopes of a better future

  • At 7:14 AM , Blogger Xing Jian said...

    Of course, don't forget about/neglect your present lah.

    Past and future are all very good, but we live in the present (gosh, so whatever, like I needed to tell you that)

    You should already know. ^_^

  • At 7:10 PM , Blogger Marla S said...

    You are special, darling :)


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