Heffalump of Shit
" The hunk of hot flesh lay writhing steamily on his bed. His bed covers lay as messed up as the thin layer of yellow hair that blanketed his well-rounded body. His lascivious dreams were centered on the luscious taste of an all-too-pleasant fluid: the sickly sweet nectar of a fellow woodland being. Moans of increasing intensity emanated from his spread-eagled body, wafting out of his open bedroom window. In kind, he heard a wildly erotic auditory sensation that aroused him from his state of semi-consciousness... "
Such was the start of Pooh's Heffalump Movie.
It was soooo damn stupid! I mean, i gave it an undeserved 1.5 stars out of a possible 5 - 1 from the effort of making the movie and half from the cuteness of Roo. Other than that, it was crap from front to back.
Ah well, can't really blame the movie for sucking, but can only point fingers at the people who chose the movie: Me, Nick and Ben. There was absolutely no other movie that we all haven't seen, and it was an experiment for the kicks of it O.o
Counted around 8 such scenes of morally wrong graphics ranging from Roo's stripping to Piglet's arm-wrapping around Pooh's thighs... Of course, to spice up the extremely mediocre movie up, we also took turns to falsetto shriek in mock excitement whenever something 'scary' occurred or to offer a blatant "eeeeee" whenever dirty scenes cropped up.
As expected, we received a LOT of stares from parents concerned that their children would be scarred (not by the movie, but by us). Thankfully, there were these secondary school girls sitting behind us who seemed to appreciate our timely comic intervention O.o
Sigh. Leave it to us teens with our raging hormones to go and utterly disrupt what is a G-rated movie. 'G' for gay, as Nick so subtly put. Apparently, its not just me ALP thinks so too... And with a movie poster such as this, who won't?

I'm more gay than teletubbies!
In other good news, got into SRP. But then sianz, must go at 815 tmr morning all the way to 330 or so pm... I say, in the words of Shikamaru: "Geez, that's so troublesome."
Tapping my fingers to... Goodbye to You - Michelle Branch
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