adjective: repetition of same sense in different words.
Eg. Smart Dwayne, handsome Dwayne... Disillusioned Dwayne
O.o i got a whole bunch of referrals from a plethora of very very un-english blogs. There must be a gaggle of people being bored to death (not by Forbidden Frankenstein's ...), and are hence blog hopping using the spastic Next Blog function.
Who needs to go to any other blog when there's THIS? Waah Masterpiece Rhythm and Gangsta liaos... Although without that function, weird random people wouldn't be able to find (and hence propagate) my blog ;D
Yesterday, Haoyi commented that I had good FALSETTO CONTROL! I am anchored feet first in the swampy dilemma on whether to take that as a compliment. We were all singing (or screeching) a variety of MJ songs while lining up for yong tau foo, you see (or rather, hear).
It CAN be a good thing, considering all male solo star chart success seems to be directly proportional to the octave of their singing.
Plot the graph, get a straight line, measure its gradient. You get the Falsetty O's Constant.

Notice it starts at origin.
A la Alien, "At zero octave, no one can hear you scream."
There's a reason why MJ, Usher, JT and the Darkness have gotten more than their allotted 15 minutes of fame. Their superb use of Supersonic must also be confusing the radio-listening public enough to buy their records (me included).
Speaking of Supersonic, the Pokemon anime series (currently at Advanced Challenge), is the epitomy of rehash and recycling. So much so that the ENV has GOT to go and steal some of their ideas to boost the 3 Rs.
There are many moral issues concerning this particular anime's values. Its targeted age group is for the majority of people playing Pokemon, which range includes those aged 8 to 17 (wahaha the only '17' being me).
Firstly, there is Team Rocket and their affinity for cross-dressing. By 'affinity' i actually mean 'lusty penchant and uncontrollable urge'. Jesse at least remains in feminine garb most of the time. James, however, masterfully manipulates EVERY situation into an opportunity to be a transvestite.
Pretending to be royalty, James dons a queen's guise (no coincidence, i'll bet). Pretending to be beach-goers, James slips into a 2 piece bikini set (no kidding!). Pretending to not be Team Rocket, James prances around like a schoolgirl in what else, a schoolgirl's uniform.
Its lik, UGGHs.
Secondly, Brock and his insatiable thirst for the countless Officer Jennys and other peripheral calafares (which occasionally include, no less, James in disguise).
By Jove, he is hornier than a 4-headed triceratops caught in a freak accident with a horde of horned toads.

Ho-ennwood Squares (sexplicit)
In today's episode alone, his lecherousness towards this chio aromatherapy woman had to be forcefully curbed by this small boy 7 times! Don't worry, the small boy only prevented his lust, and did not actually cure it. If that were the case, Pokemon Advanced Challenge would be off the TV faster than that Gurmit Singh flop 'Brothers 4' (read: in a record time!).
Finally, the main team includes 3 guys and 1 girl, all in their teens, travelling alone over LONG distances just to fulfil some inane goal. This spells only 1 thing: R-A-P-E. That or kinky sex involving Pokemon...
Okaaay. Officially reading too far into this lame series.
Considering it was meant to entertain, made by the most sexually-repressed nationality and drawn in the way of Hentai, i'm sure there's NOTHING morally wrong with Pokemon.
I Choose You, Growing on Me - The Darkness