Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


Dog Day Afternoon

The state of movies today is very lamentable. What's up with sequel after sequel after prequel? Like the abysmal Son of the Mask and the mundane Samara.

Such is the state of my blog according to detractors (that's me, btw): Repetitive and mediocrity-glorifying. Anyway, there has to be some reason deep down inside that makes you blogders actually want to read about not-so-little and not-so-ol' me.

I gave away $20 in Kinokuniya vouchers! Feel like such a good samaritan (not samaratan, a hairy and haggard beast of a girl crawling out of your computer screen to hand you chocolates).

Although this was partially because i've had them cooped up in my wallet since Christmas last year and the additional bulk it so generously spared was getting irritating. That and the fact that i would have forgotten my wallet if not for the 2 girls who notified me E.e (thx klar and yg!)

I still have $20 worth of the vouchers lol. FREE FOR THE FIRST 2 PEOPLE WHO ASK FOR THEM! Of course, this will only prove to me how loserly you are. Not because of the desperation in your $2 cheapskating rink, but because you are admitting to reading my blog!

Made many new friends and strengthened past relationships today: Sherilyn, Serene, Darren, Johnathan, Vipul, etc. The former 2 being new intakers and the latter 3 being fellow SRPians. Here's hoping to these friendships being more than mere acquaintances (read: people you brush by in the corridor and mumble a half-hearted 'hi' to).

Dogging and vetting the readers

Nubi's visit to the vet was due today. After SRP, i made my way down to ENV building to be chauffeured around by my father.

OMG now that he reads my blog (HI PA!), he seems to think he knows every aspect and facet of my life and tries to instigate weird respones out of me by asking random questions. I am no square, I AM A POLYGON! I have many sides you haven't even calculated yet...


The visit was not the smooth 10 minute trip we envisioned. Besides being unable to handle the incoherent grunting creature with gross hairs sweeping the floor, Nubi was being a pain as well. The nurse actually had to help Mr Vet translate his instructions, lest i thought 'twice a day' was 'lice are gay'.

No wonder the veterinarian was so fat: he was swallowing more than his fair share of words... He was good though, and offered to check Nubi for heartworms.

4 people had to hold Nubi down (along with a muzzizzle) when they tried to extract some blood from him. He was howling and thrashing his head about and everyone was so scared he was going to bite post-aggravation.

Ended up with his Nubloood on my RJ shirt. The itchy hairs also made their way into my eye, yet was unable to clean it out cause of all the hair on my shirt and hands e.e Officially the most irritating feeling in the world.

Aww my little puppy has grown up, to possibly have a fellow creature worming through his heart (or at least the propensity to).

Alas! He is perfectly healthy. Got some medication for the fellow creatures worming around in his shit though. THOSE are some scary black gold-diggers.

Sigh. My undoubtedely adorable husky *imaginarily huggles him while he snorts*.

On the way home, i heard that Britney Spears was pregnant.

Pre-pregnancy, i *think*

Initially, i thought that a relationship was possible. After all, girls went for guys a lot younger than them (>7 years, at least). I also consoled myself that as we both aged gracefully, the age gap would narrow in comparison to our (percent)age.

Then, i thought i could be noticed and move to the US.

As she became older, sultrier and sexier, she remained just beyond reach. She was not a girl, not yet a woman while I was also maturing and the prospect of eternal bliss was lingering ever-so-closer.

Then, she married Federline. I reasoned: With such a dolt of a husband and such a right royally screwed up life, she would need stability and a responsible man in her life. Hope still lingered.

And now, SHE'S PREGNANT! AGGGH. WITH FEDERLINE SPAWN. The world is unfair to everyone but that stupid crappy shit. Idiotic girl can go and continue her downward spiral into oblivion for all i care.

I'm a Skank 4 You

Aggh. Yet i still care a lot.

*Cue end of random Britney romp*

Haha a minor exaggeration, i hope. There are other attainable fish in the sea (of RJ). With luck they all won't get married to bummed out losers/backup dancers before i get my chance.

Smelling my sulphured hands to... Shake it Off - Mariah Carey


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