Week de la Weakening
- young horning pervs (Google)
- google sat fofos (Google)
- Love is in the Heir (Yahoo)
- cosfest 2005 (Google)
- Architectual Digest, 2005 Architects houses (Yahoo)
- slave scrotum infusion pics (Google)
- dwayne blogging hunk blogger sg (Google)
- heffalump - we stand shoulder to shoulder lyrics (Google)
- biopolis caucasians (Google)
Other than that, this week has by far been the most exhaustingly packed in my entire JC life (read: life).
It starts with last Saturday's frenzied rush for Subway, followed by 4 hours of intensive karaoking and 'squashminton'ing at the ENV building's recreational centre. Squashminton being the game the EFers so ingeniously invented after realising that the badminton court was fully booked (by cretinous carrions, no doubt) and that the only space they permitted us were the squash courts. The game involves us trying to keep a lone shuttlecock
After this, Linus (who's a recently discovered good singer, btw) followed me back home and we awaited our ride down to RTC for dinner and nighttime tennis. Dinner was a buffet that became scrumptuous only after exhausting our stomach capacities on crappy food served earlier (its a constantly refreshing buffet. Refresh as in F5, not H2O). TENNIS ROCKS! Of course, i'm too unskillful to judge the game in any possible way. The rest of the night was then wasted away DotAing.
Even though Church began late on Sunday, i can safely vouch for us EFers getting insufficient beauty sleep (which may explain alot). After yet another uneventful service ended (considering the eventful ones involve us insulting people, which may not be very 'eventful' for others...), the whole adult church gang came over and cleansed the house, prompting my proposed game of "Idol Busters".
Tuesday saw us bidding farewell to our cycloptically-challenged B.Ology teacher. Haha just jesting. He rocks! To Mr Chan Ter Yue, we will never forget you and the amusing anecdotes accounted. We will dearly hold the helpful hints on homologues and histones. Good luck in you future overseas endeavours!
Heck, we even sprang him a cake and a some balloons. He's got to see it to believe it.
After one of my most intensive weights trainings, I promptly collapsed onto a canteen bench to chat with Jen for an hour or so. Before this, our friendship seemed strained. I was irritated at him, and him at me in some vicious circular motion (tut: done). I also took the now-acclaimed (not in a good way) self-
Wednesday, the official day of the Handsome Threesome. It was the day when Rilong, Congren and I formed the Triumvirate's Cessation of Hostilities (TCH), a pact whereby we were not allowed to suan each other unless absolutely irresistible. In doing so, we forged a strong blade of friendship, imbued with the magicks of trust and fortitude (read: we're busty bosom buddies). Who says sitting around in S-11 gossipping doesn't reap any good?
Then, it was back to ENV once again for my dastardly PW interviews. Not that the interviewees weren't nice, but that the interviewer was a horrible malingering miscreant. Feeling headachy from all the DotA, i proceeded to pon the rest of training and go home to... you guessed it, DotA.
Thursday was the day of stupidity. Rilong ,and in a small part me, went and scoured Haoyi's bag for some incriminating love letters. Rilong, being one of the freaks of nature with an intact conscience, went and TOLD him of his misdeed, and succeeded in getting the normally-gregarious Haoyi pissed with us both.
Stupid factor number 2 was us buying Jen a Sex Games mini-tome for his farewell prezzie. No need for elaboration here. Besides so much blowing (cash on Missy E's new LP lah) and sucking (at DotA lah), I even had to take the bus home lugging so many goodies for the farewell class party.
Friday had us ponning Chinese to watch...
*cue dramatic music meant to inspire grandeur*

Its so plane and boring.
It sucked bad. Please do not make the same mistake.
Finally, today was fruitfully spent detoxing with Chem SPA notes and DotAing-till-it-was-so-damned-late-I-had-to-take-$9-cab-ride-to-J8. There, the Handsome Threesome caught The (loophole-filled) Island. What's up with the clones going 'OMG!' when one of them was asking what 'God' was earlier...
To top off my week of splendid ignition (read: burnout), we went RUNNING with Dr William Tan! This was in accordance to his Guiness World Record-breaking attempt to wheelchair race 450 rounds around the track in 24 hours. Nonetheless, we completed 18 rounds on the 4th lane in 40 minutes, but compared to the good doctor's feat, was PEANUTS! And M&M ones at that (a jumbo pack of which the glutton i am finished during the movie).
SO FRICKIN TIRED NOW! Just finished a whole litre carton of freeloaded soya bean milk, and am about to embark on yet another DotA round...
Watch out for me in the news next week as i spontaneously combust due to burnout...
Shaking my cramped ass to... Mommy - Missy Elliott