June Hols Week #5
21st to 27th June
Wednesday: Gym in the morning with Ben, whereby the sudden inspiration to do something stupid dawned upon me. Scary Movie 4 with the EFers! Dar/Nick/Shan/CW/Beam/Jo/Ben went, and we were considering cheonging to DXO after. Unfortunately, the movie was very VERY weak and we just decided to stone at Maestro Bistro for desserts and to watch the WorldCup they air there.
Thursday: Stone stone, mug mug!
Friday: Gymming with Ben, then off to driving with my sensual instructor CHUA. He's this damn pwningly insightful ex-gang member who talks a whole lotta cool shit, AND passes me on the lessons very fastly! Jeremy came back from Japan as well, so I met up with him in Orchard at 9:30pm after my driving, whereby we went and desserted the night away. After being fetched home, we decided on a whim to follow my father CLUBBING. Butterfactory/MOS/The Living Room. And my father proved his pimpness by randomly hooking up with model-esque girls ("MONGLIN!!") in their early 20s and giving them hugs of luck o.O I realised that i required 4 drinks before i got to the perfect stage of highness.
Saturday: Jem and I reached home at around 5am, then slept off the alcohol till about 1pm. We just stoned around until the party at night for the June Birthdays was due. There, the EFers as well as a busload of aunties and uncles, and AMOS/ABIEL/ABRAHAM came. We had a damn good and long talkcock session, I got my PingPong skills reinvigorated by Linus and we all went to a nearby street soccer court for a friendly. WOO! After everyone went home, i realised the depth of faeces i was in with the oncoming CTs..
Sunday: Ponned church to slack at home and 'study'! Heh they were showing I Not Stupid, Too as an evangelical service o.O Don't ask. Had a gross haircut by the nearby Indian barber and a vegetarian dinner to top off the last day of the holidays.
Monday: PHYSICS CTs! I pwned this as expertly as a professional Brazilian Waxer, and followed the class peeps to S-11 for some much lusted-after BAN MIAN. Went home and stoned (regretfully) stoned the day away with DotA and Sudoku (3 hours!!), with nary an ounce of Biology preparation.
Tuesday: BIOLOGY CTs! It was an afternoon paper, so i awoke at 11am and strolled into the school library, where i received certain unspecified *hints* from certain unspecified people, saving me at least 5 marks for the paper. Heh now im reading my Chem Kinetics notes for the first time since last year, albeit being distracted blogging x.X
Kineticsing to... My Lovin Goes - Christina Milian
Wednesday: Gym in the morning with Ben, whereby the sudden inspiration to do something stupid dawned upon me. Scary Movie 4 with the EFers! Dar/Nick/Shan/CW/Beam/Jo/Ben went, and we were considering cheonging to DXO after. Unfortunately, the movie was very VERY weak and we just decided to stone at Maestro Bistro for desserts and to watch the WorldCup they air there.
Thursday: Stone stone, mug mug!
Friday: Gymming with Ben, then off to driving with my sensual instructor CHUA. He's this damn pwningly insightful ex-gang member who talks a whole lotta cool shit, AND passes me on the lessons very fastly! Jeremy came back from Japan as well, so I met up with him in Orchard at 9:30pm after my driving, whereby we went and desserted the night away. After being fetched home, we decided on a whim to follow my father CLUBBING. Butterfactory/MOS/The Living Room. And my father proved his pimpness by randomly hooking up with model-esque girls ("MONGLIN!!") in their early 20s and giving them hugs of luck o.O I realised that i required 4 drinks before i got to the perfect stage of highness.
Saturday: Jem and I reached home at around 5am, then slept off the alcohol till about 1pm. We just stoned around until the party at night for the June Birthdays was due. There, the EFers as well as a busload of aunties and uncles, and AMOS/ABIEL/ABRAHAM came. We had a damn good and long talkcock session, I got my PingPong skills reinvigorated by Linus and we all went to a nearby street soccer court for a friendly. WOO! After everyone went home, i realised the depth of faeces i was in with the oncoming CTs..
Sunday: Ponned church to slack at home and 'study'! Heh they were showing I Not Stupid, Too as an evangelical service o.O Don't ask. Had a gross haircut by the nearby Indian barber and a vegetarian dinner to top off the last day of the holidays.
Monday: PHYSICS CTs! I pwned this as expertly as a professional Brazilian Waxer, and followed the class peeps to S-11 for some much lusted-after BAN MIAN. Went home and stoned (regretfully) stoned the day away with DotA and Sudoku (3 hours!!), with nary an ounce of Biology preparation.
Tuesday: BIOLOGY CTs! It was an afternoon paper, so i awoke at 11am and strolled into the school library, where i received certain unspecified *hints* from certain unspecified people, saving me at least 5 marks for the paper. Heh now im reading my Chem Kinetics notes for the first time since last year, albeit being distracted blogging x.X
Kineticsing to... My Lovin Goes - Christina Milian