Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


10 Reasons #1 GenderBender

And here begins a (hopefully) new on-going series in my entries! It's called "10 Reasons Why I'm...", and each entry will go about with me listing characteristics of polar opposites that i possess in order to sate my split personalities.

So here goes, 10 Reasons Why I'm..

  1. I think some girls are HOT!
  2. My best friends are dogs! (Nubi, Congren, Jeremy, CW,...)
  3. I can distinguish between Guinsoo's Scythe of Vise and Eul's Sceptre of Divinity
  4. I enjoy shopping.. for cars!
  5. I'm insensitive with my comments and actions
  6. My 2nd favourite series is "Stargate SG-1"!
  7. I'm into HIPHOP (which most prolly argues for me being Black, not male)
  8. I gym 3 times weekly for my physique
  9. I like torturing bugs and small amphibians
  10. I love MEAAAT

  1. I think some guys are HOT!
  2. I still sleep with softtoys (5 dogs and 1 dustmite)
  3. I can distinguish between selective omissions and
  4. I enjoy shopping!
  5. I'm touchy and sensitive to other people's actions and comments
  6. My favourite series is "Desperate Housewives"!
  7. I'm into BRITNEY SPEARS ('nuff said)
  8. I store fat on my hips and butt
  9. I'm smart
  10. I avoid eating oily stuff and egg yolks

Conclusion: Definitely She-Male.

Trying to minimize my butt size to... Route 66 - John Mayer


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