Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


JuneHols Week #1

May 24th to 30th

Well well.. Its been a worrisome, winding and wretched week!

Wednesday: GP Commons followed by a movie marathon of Over the Hedge (again :P) and X3! I honestly thought X3 was quite.. disloyal to the story line and practically ruined things for fans, but upon closer examination of the special revelation at the end, hmm...

Thursday: OHmygosh this day sucked balls lah. Thankfully there was Civics Elective in the morning whereby they finished up Emperor's Club. Proceeding this was 2 lectures, an hour break, 1 hour of makeup physics, an hour break, 1.5 hours of makeup chem, half an hour break and finally one hour of makeup physics again. If you got confused reading that, try and have your brain live through it lah..

Friday: Double-Driving Day! I spent almost 80 minutes doing basic right turns in the circuit.. Not because im lousy, but rather that the turning right means GIVING WAY, which i bloody hate (instructors, please ignore. I am sacrificial and selfless!). In between, i renewed an old friendship with Kathleen, formerly of Xordis fame. To end the day off, it was "Eat-With-Your-Family" day for civil servants, yet another diabolical excuse to end the working day early. My family went down to Taka for some shopping at Kino, after which we had PEPPER LUNCH, whereby both my memory and the cooks served it right.

Saturday: What started off lazy and malingerish (like all holidays) turned into a 6-hour long shopping fiesta! Nick and I initially planned to go down with Daryl and CW for some random GreatSingaporeSaleing, but we were soon joined by Beam and Shan. I spent $300! $150 on new shoes (parentally-sponsored, fret not), $50 on 3 new CDs (Texas, Jack Johnson, Christina Milian) from HMV vouchers, $40 on a tee at NewUrbanMale, miscellaneous (Billy Bombers! Food Republic! Cabfare since bus services ceased!). In the end, we stayed in town till 12plus, chatting while literally desserting our duties as guai children.

Sunday: Vball match! Some of the J1s and I signed up for a U19 Volleyball Open, to which 5/6 of the main members were at CCAL camp, forcing us noobs to play against the likes of Ghim Moh Sec Alumni O.o. We did much better than expected, considering we barely met quota of 7players and had no match experience as a team whatsoever.. Also, i hadnt played vball like this in almost half a year!

Monday: 350 MCQs, 4 hours. These are the impossible hurdles one must accomplish at the PSC PAE scholarship thingy.. Trust the government to torture potential scholars and map our mental and psychological profiles for their good. Had a nice chat and and caught up with Rilong, whom i've grown a bit distant to of late.

Tuesday: Chem makeup lecture from 11 to 12, followed by gymming at BishanSportsComplex with Congren. There, i coincidentally bumped into Ben, who was a gym virgin\.. Lunch and a looong chat later, and there was another volleybal match to attend to. Argh this one we got pwnzzed quite badly, with the Red Indians having more success than we did against the British and their guns. Meh. WE ROXXED WOO!

Whew, if any of you bothered reading through that.. Anyway, holidays are a good time to rekindle and renew friendships, which i'll be fervently doing with the excuse of GREAT SINGAPORE SALE. My gosh i've never realised the power of sales..

So, who wants to shop with me?

*awkward silence followed by a frog croaking*

Recovering from a family dinner to... Mediocre Bad Guys - Jack Johnson


NS Medical Checkup

Several inches away from the crack of dawn, i was harshly awakened (as usual) by "PA PA YAO ZHOU LE!!!" in my grandmother's idealistically prophetic shriek. That translates to "Pa is leaving already!!!" by the way, which of course did not happen for the next half an hour, leaving me to wallow in grogginess at the dining table.

Soon, we were off to the Central Manpower Base, where I was about to embark on the treacherous journey to become a 'man' via my NS Medical Checkup. By 'man' i actually mean brainwashed, patriotic slave, but you aren't supposed to know that ;)

I reached there earlier than expected, but joined the queue of aspiring(-for-it-to-end-quickly) 18-year olds. There were a surprising many from RJC, and apparently, most of the people here were pushed back from a later date. Might I wrathfully add that 'I MISSED THE DESIGNATED ELECTION HOLIDAY FOR THIS'? No? Argh the politics of your Id blogging to your Ego.

Anyway, there were the stations of ECG, blood tests, Blood Pressure (120/61/66), Height&Weight (176, 70kg), etc. The highlights (or lowlights) however, were the URINE test and the fabled and dreaded consultation.

The urine test had the best hidden and most vague instructions. They handed us a bottle and a strip and asked us to go into the toilet, after which silence ensued. A confused me pee'd directly on the strip, before realising that one was supposed to excrete into the bottle first, then dip the strip in in a civilised manner. Oops.

The consultation had the doctor asking to 'drop your pants' and 'bend over to the front, touch your toes'. Sound familiar? RAP LYRICS! I swear i woulda did some human beatboxing or broken into breakdancing on the spot siah..

To top off the ordeal, the harrowing(ly tedious) intelligence tests that followed lasted a whopping 2.5 hours, with irritatingly simple number and word problems.

In the end, its PES A as expected. Whee and some lieutenant i was talking to asked me to consider being a pilot or commando..

Dreading the GP to... Promiscuous Girl - Nelly Furtado ft Timbaland



The previous week has been shitty, and so i predict is the one encroaching into existence.

After the euphoria of Monday, everything went downhill. Information was told to impressionable ears that distorted it beyond recognition, RJC lost in the rugby finals in a very biased impartial way to SAJC, there was immense awkwardness in class as well as many random scandalous events occurring, etc..

Why can't people just be and remain platonic friends FOREVER!?

On a lighter note, i saw DaVinci Code and Over the Hedge, both of which were damn funny (preposterous and hilarious respectively), but good nonetheless. At least some of that shit has been resolved as well, and future instances where shit like this can happen again have been put on indefinite hiatus.

I am NEVER organising social events anymore. What's the point of being an 'instigator' of fun where all you get after that is a load of shit? The world is better if i were a recluse who merely followed, not generated, fun.

SORRY TO ALL, and from all i expect an apology (edit: ACCEPTED! WHEE HAPPY).

[random] I also went to gym and got a new haircut! [/random]

Oh and i have my NS medical checkup on Tuesday, which has coincidentally been the day RJ has awarded us our election holiday e.e Talk about 'sway'.

Going to Daryl's party to... Sway - PCD


Floored by Floorball

Floorball is the BEST game in the world officially. Its essentially a toned-down version of hockey, and occurs with a weird hole-y ball. After that, its like soccer in its team-interactions and scoring into a keeper-covered goal. I reiterate, it is the BEST game.

Or rather, its the best game when u score 4 goals and pulled off a superb assist within one PE period. I'm not supposed to be remotely good at anything related to sports lah..

Too bad i didnt instinctively whip out my handphone camera and take spectacular videos of myself.. It would have been SO practical to do that since that one free hand would otherwise have been tied behind my back.

WAHAHA the Ego has landed..

I also went for my first practical driving lesson today!! OMG ITS BLOODY FUN. Its GTA from the perspective of one of those civilians you jack the car of. I learnt how to adjust the car, drive/make turns/brake and all the functions of the random buttons. I am unfortunately, driving an automatic car, in part due to my immense laziness.

The weekend saw me watching Mission Impossible: 3 with Pam/Cong and their siblings, playing in a soccer league (O.o) with an old friend and stoning at Nick's. OH and i went to cell! That's an impossible feat in itself considering Nicole/Ben/Jo/Shan ponned..

Here's a nice group pic from MrDaveSim's photo website, he's our cool/beng/shuai physics teacher (Disclaimer: Aforementioned characteristics are not representative of this blogger's sentiments and are not to be taken as seditious) :

I'm the damn obiang one in red, with Shengyang in yellow left, Preesha on my right

Finally, WHO's INTERESTED IN ANOTHER MOS OUTING?!? I sure am.. We absolutely have to go during the June holidays once more!

Trying to do Analogue Electronics to... Batch Song 2006 - Student's Council


CIP? MOS Definitely...

Well, its 6:53am now and CW is lying on my bed seductively gesturing to the abundant pleasures that await me after writing this blog entry.

Ok actually, we just came back from Ministry of Sound, where my father got us VIP entry. There, we engaged in the usual sins of debauchery, drunkedness and dancing.

The day actually started 12th May, 7am whereby Pam and I had to report at Gracehaven Salvation Army to pick up the orphans for a CIP trip to Bukit Timah Hill organised by yours truly (with *some* contributions from Bryan).

Once there, i paired with the extremely cute PREESHA! She was a primary 3 and was supremely extraordinarily adorable and cute and did i mention cute? Oh and she was also keenly observant and intelligent, noting that humans are mammals much like monkeys.. Also, she would occasionally yelp and burst into sudden spurts of cuteness by staring dolefully at me and asking me to hold her hand.

CUTENESS EMBODIED (nono not the one on the left..)

She's about half my height lah.. CUTE OR WAD??!

She had a brother who looked DAMN GOOD for his age as well. MyGosh they are going to be the hottest siblings in the world lah..

After games, a hike up and down, lunch and some interaction, it was time to bid farewell to them. We sweatily dropped by at Tim's house to freshen up, anticipating a trip to Ikea later on. Several hours of piano-playing/singing and Halo2-ing later, we decided it was too late to do anything, considering me/sher/tim were going MOS that night!

Brought by my father, the Minister of Sound

Anyway, MOS rocked! Nic/Huiw/Dar/Beam/CW/Shan/Jo/Sher/Angel/Me/Fab/Tim. FUN FUN random drunken grinding.

Meh. Its late early, and i need sleep from all the bouncing/boozing/hiking, and CW isnt helping by staying over..

Watching the sun rise to... The Ringing In My Ears - MOS


Where Are We Now?

[Verse 1]
Smiling as the radiant sun,
Melting under liquid moonlight.
The love we shared so deep and dear,
Yet now we're in a plight

What happened to the spark?
Whose actions destroyed our bliss?
Why did i decline, thinking you'd be mine?
How did it come to this..

When i'm here for you,
Are you here for me?
When the time is due
Will anyone take the bow?
Where are we now...

[Verse 2]
We're being so unreceptive,
I tried to calm you down.
My truths have been deceptive,
My lies even more been profound.


I know its not our time,
I know we'll have to wait.
Is it better this way?
I'm not sure i want to leave it to fate..


Having ester reflux to... Another Girl - Thalia


If Its Worth Your While, Then SAY ANYTHING

POST ANYTHING that you want (in comments) and post it ANONYMOUSLY.

Anything. Confess, tell a secret, gossip, admit your love, reveal your obsessions, tell someone something you've never said before, say a regret, say a fear, spill your worries, your thoughts, your jealousy, insult, compliment, rant, joke, lie.. anything!

Be sure to post anonymously and honestly. Post as many times as you'd like. Then, put this in your blog to see what your friends (and perhaps others who you don't even realize read your blog) have to say.

Heh i wonder if any of them are mine ;)?

Adapted from PostSecret, a sexy blog where people mail in their confessions anonymously via postcards.. Check it out!

Wasting away the weekend to... Say Something - Mariah Carey ft Snoop Dogg



In lieu of Congren's vitriolic comments regarding the deterioration of my penchant to purposefully deploy the English Language in this blog, I shall commence to induce in you voyeurs a migraine of epic proportions as you assay an entry of grandiose origin.

My canine compatriot, Anubis, has recently been diagnosed with a most malignant form of parasitism: Microscopic, erythrocyte-loving arachnids going by the moniker of TICKS.

Yesterday, yours truly brought him out to purchase a salve that would remedy the situation. Anubis was visibly tired after prolonged exposure to physical exercise, attesting to the leeching critters draining away his health.

A celebratory dinner commemorating my brother's 28th birthday was held, with a veritable cornucopia of delicacies available for mastication. My presence was exceptionally felt around the almond jelly bowl.

If I continue in this overly complex prosaic style, i will not only bore the tears out of your skull, i will practically dehydrate the marrow from your bones as you wail your frustrations away, unless this catastropic event has already occurred. At least this serves to sieve away the mongoloids and simpletons from this a sacred region of intellect.

Eat that, Cong.

Choking on 3 Tofu's worth of tau kwa to... Coming Undone - Korn



Okok, so i vowed never to do those sian re-cap entries again, but since im short for time and inspiration (and since you all clamoured for it), here goes my extremelyy packed MAYDAY WEEKEND!

Ok, its not really ponning school (for obvious legal and disciplinary reasons), but i had my Basic Theory Driving Test to assay! And assail it i did, with a very glorious and prestigious "PASSED" to account for it. With a few hours to spare, i went to the gym and then went to intro my new fellowfoodconnoiseur CHING to Bodhi's behind my house. As is typical with all pampered pigs persons, she did not take to its unique and absolutely stunning pseudo-tastes and textures. Bah.

After chatting a bit, i went home for a quick nap before being awakened by Leehui for RJ's JAZZNIGHT. I nonchalantly lazed around a bit, before the horrible fact that the 2 cab phone booking lines were DOWN due to the rain and peak hours. Well, the ensuing rush shall aptly be described as.. rushed. And lucky. The bus immediately came and i reached school in 15 minutes via public transport, a new record!

Jazz Night behaved too much like a vacuum cleaner for my liking, though.. Oh and after that, i got unnecessarily (or was it?) pissed at some stupid BGR-esque thingums. I'm not sure i'm glad i decided to be predominantly single and celibate this year.. Wargh maybe this changes things..

Slept in and built up some hunger for Cineleisure's SUKI SUSHI buffet, with CW and Shan. Thankfully i was smart/prudent/intelligent/had enough common sense to avoid the Soba w/ Pee and the Oyster Shits that most probably gave them both runs (for their money).

Also, i got a new bag and shoebag! Whee the former was an impulse buy, but one that i'm rather proud of, while the latter was recommended by the soccer-Shanatic, so i guess it can't be worse than my current $5 one. After this we both went to Nick's house for some stoning.

Nick and I felt so guilty sleeping in, and i kept waking up, subconsciously worrying that we'd be late for church. It was Shan and Jo's baptism, and so we had the privilege of going to the 11am service! In the end, we woke up at the extremely early 9:30 and went to meet the Chens for a breakfast of some peanutpancake thingy.

Lunch was preceeded by COMIC SHOPPING wif pa, after that being dropped off at town to meet some 3Ners for Tim's Birthday (his mom went into Labour on Labour Day! Just had to say that again..). We saw The Sentinel, under the influence of yours truly, who of course was captivated by Eva Longoria's rather arbitrary and redundant role in it..

My father was lamenting the state of his DBSbank vouchers and their imminent expiry, so i gathered Nick and Linus and we all went down to NYDC Wheelock in a bid to spend them.

With desserts and main courses, the bill came out to a whopping $87, which COULD NOT BE PaID BY THE VOUCHERS! Woohoo. My father was obviously pissed and argued with the manager while we went to admire Pokemon Cards and try to spend the Borders vouchers..

Anyway, if the bank doesnt get back to him, i still have $100 of NYDC available, and one can only have mud pies that oft. Then there are the Borders and HMV vouchers as well.. Uggh.

Essentially, there was NO WORK DONE. So to all you closet muggers out there, DIE A HORRIBLE PAINFUL AND JOYLESS DEATH! Ok actually since they already lead joyless lives, i think i'll spare them the curse..

Savouring minced meat w/ salted egg to... Temperature - Sean Paul