Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


Terminator: The Greatest Action Story Ever Told

YOU HAVE TO WATCH THIS NOW! to... Pull My Hair - The Ying Yang Twins



WELL. I woke up at 4pm yesterday, all in the name of recouping losses from the aforementioned fish-filled friday (read: packed like sardines).

Thur Wake Up Time: 11am
Fri Sleep Time: 630am
Fri Wake Up Time: 9am
Sat Sleep Time: 3am

One can obviously see that i was awake for 20 and 18 hours respectively, with only a measly 3 hour sleep in between O.o. If the amount of 'play' you did is proportional to the amount of study done for the commons, my constant 'k' would exceed 50 quintillion.

After that, we revisited TanahMerah CC, where my family used to frequent in my childhood.. Sigh the nostalgia. If nostalgia actually meant 'that fantabulous mango pudding from the chinese restaurant'. But yes, it rocked. The gym there has funky machines that work out EVERY freakin part of the body, even the groin (not that mine needs much working out ;P)

When church ended today, my father and i plopped down to Serene Centre to shop for our true loves: COMICS!

Wahaha i made him spend $300++ siah.. And in the afternoon alone managed to complete all 4 trade-paperbacks of "The Authority" and Ultimate XMen Vol 13.

AND, i learnt to fry my own tofu! TAUGWAHHH! Eh and please ignore the boogerjuice very lovely yoghurt vegetable punch.. its just there to give contrast.

Got Tofu?

Oh and there was that buffet of epic portions at SICC.

Bloody epic portions.

Uggh. Happy Birthday all ye March Babies (gerbz/nicole)!

More 'specified' entries coming up! I know its sooo bloody boring to read the recaps.. I have some philosophies i want to share HEHEHEH.

Trying to calm the pimple outbreak to... Live Again ft Adam Levine - Ying Yang Twins



WAH! Its barely a day after the CTs have gracefully slunk into the shadows of retirement, and yet so so much has happened..

Yesterday, after Chem, a partially permeable (read: selective) group of classmates came over to for some movie-marathon and pigging out session. Initially, Cong/Ser/Boon/Leehui/Haoyi/Jess and I went to shop for goodies at the J8 supermart, whereby a host of chips, chocs and calorific consummables were chosen.

Then, the party split and cabbed down, whereby Serene misled everyone and in a fit of cheapskateness, told the cab to stop at the MAIN ROAD outside my house, eventually getting lost. Nonetheless, i subjected them to a suitable enough punishment by MAKING THEM CLIMB THE SHORTCUT. Woowoo! Of course, everyone got their hands stained and their confidences boosted a lil after it.

Once home, a majority went to Pong while Cong and I went to COOK! Yes, we, the GUYS, went to cook while the girls slacked off.. How gender-unbiased siah. The baked rice we made was scrumptuous as usual, except for Boon and his aversion to broccoli..

Soon, we were joined by Sherilyn, Rilong and Tim, all having separate lives of their own prior to this. We had a small bday ceremony for Haoyi (HAPPY BDAE!), then pigged out even more on Blazt and Milo cakes. Finally, with the last of us present, we ascended into my father's room what is now the pigsty, and went about our marathoning.

Brokeback Mountain (to much narrow-minded laughter), American Pies 1 & 2 (to much narrow-minded laughter) and Zoolander (to much no-minded laughter). After that, we randomly plopped around the beds to have an uncomfortable sleep at 430am.

Unfortunately, i was high on SOMETHING, and since Jess managed to sleep already, and apparently couldn't anymore, we just stayed up talking (to much of Boon's annoyed shushes).

Waking dizzily at 930, we went down to Thomson for Prata (closed) and hence Mac's for their STUDEN VALUE MEAL of a Sausage MacMuffin/Milk for $2. SO CHEAP ZOMG. All the homeless vagrants go there NOW with your pocket change..

After we all went our own ways, i dropped by Nick's to kope a bike and cycled home, to which some sunning was in order ;)

A bath and a nap was all i could afford before rushing out again to meet a friend to watch V for VENDETTA, which should actually have its tagline as 'V' for 'VERYGOOD'. Yes, all please watch it.

After that friend left, i met CW and had my second dessert, before prematurely deciding to cheong home to DOTAA!

Oh, and HIHI once again to ShihHaur/RandomFencers/Michelle (Nick's)/Kelvin/Mainey/others. Everyone's flooding Orchard and Co. now siah..

Now, time to un-fulfil my oath and DOTA!

Digging my ears to... Bedroom Boom - Ying Yang Twins ft Avant




And happy Birthday Congren!

Aching from Heavy Hands to... Do You Sleep - Lisa Loeb


My Final Destination

After having watched the immensely gory and grossgusting flick Final Destination 3, I have (as usual) been thinking too deep into the entire prospect of random, planned-but-seemingly-accidental deaths.

... All of which i'm going to die from.

Jianbrutha Pictures proudly presents...

Guranteed to scare DW to death!

In this feature presentation,

GASP as Dwayne scares himself while climbing through the shortcut to get home after watching "Final Destination 3" and watching the trailer for "Dorm", making himself exceptionally jittery and clumsy when he hears neighbours' dogs howling. He then proceeds to slip on some moss and get himself scratched to death by blunt pieces of sand.

SCREAM as unnecessary construction work at home loosens a fluorescent lamp that falls onto Dwayne as he sleeps, impaling his eye and piercing through his brain. (Eh, it's a possibility leh.. Either this or i get squashed by this stone crucifix hanging over my head)

SHRIEK Dwayne spends $7 watching "Final Destination 3", in effect making himself broke for the rest of the week. While walking along a pavement, he sees a $1 coin on the ground, and while precariously bending to pick it up, gets knocked into a stormdrain by a passing breeze. Here, his extravagant poseur items such as his Fossil Watch and his Vans shoes begin to take in water slowly but surely. Furthermore, his unsightly sling bag gets trapped on some grime at the bottom of the drain... Is this death? Or merely a day of grave misfortune...

Hey, i didn't say ALL of you would enjoy it.

Celebrating GP Commons' end to... Cowboy Take Me Away - Dixie Chicks



Feeling particularly amused to... Play - David Banner


The Chokin Chine

Chinese has been the bane of my existence.

Today, being ACS's Founder's Day, I was invited back to receive an O Level award (number of A1s, blah blah). This celebratory occasion was only marred by a single blemish:


The only reason? I did not get 9 A1s. I got a mere 8. Although i voluntarily gave up Higher Chinese and refused to retake my mediocre B3 on the Sec 3 November Chinese paper, there was still a sense of soreness about the utter wastage. Why couldn't they take it based on average siah??

Anyway, after the entire affair, I decided to pop by RJ to see how my Chinese AO results were like.

Once there, i was loitering around in the classroom when Rilong's dreaded phone call arrived:


This great sense of inevitability enveloped me, and regardless of the fact that i did not study and absolutely detested Chinese as a language, I somehow expected more.

That C6 report slip refuted everyone who thought i was some RI boy trying to be poser and cool.


P.S: Cheryln, if you're reading this, i'm awaiting your SMS :P Still need your phone number lor..

Buying batteries for my keyboard to... The Chokin' Kind - Joss Stone