... not like they even began for me x.X
Its been a flurry of activities ever since the A's started, actually. What with the midnight Pratas and the massive DotA sessions..
Last Wed saw Mich/Amanda/Reiko/Justin/Ka and I meeting up for the fabled Rochester Park (#4), where we pretended to be connoiseurs for the night with the ubersexual food. Dessert was WOOOOOO!

Thousand Island Dressing Ups, Gao Les
Friday had the 3N guys soccerring after our final paper PhysS, and i scored 3 goals (even though one was kinda discounted for rebound blahblah)! I had to leave after lunch/tea for driving. Initially, i tried to cancel my 6:55pm lesson, for it coincided with Sena's 21st. But as luck would have it, the lesson didn't get sold and I had to slave away for 3 hours of consecutive driving (as well as forsake my sexy Brazillian meats).
Not wanting the last day of the A's to go to waste, I met up with Jeremy and Shan for desserts/walking around the entire City Hall region and (free) clubbing with P³. AND WOWO it was the first night en route to mPUA-dom :), or at least having the confidence for it.
Saturday was spent at the Kino 20% off, the StandChart goodie bag collection, Happy Feet and a steak dinner at XKK's followed by some midnight soccer.
After Sunday's gym session with Ben/Jem and dinner (+ Nick), it was down to JAZZ @ SOUTHBRIDGE with Boon/Jem/Mich/Tres/Ka. There we met up with new friends and fellow jazz afficionados Gary and Alvin (who was trying to hit on Michelle :P). Fun fun!

OMG Cat Eyes!
Both Boon and Jem went up to jam, since it was open night, and they were superb!

Then it was off to sleeeep in anticipation for today's DRIVING TEST.
I unceremoniously failed, of course x.X. All omens were pointing to a shitty day anyway, what with the rain POURING once i stepped in the car, the faulty windscreen wiper, the Identity Card fiasco and the likes.. Oh, and mounting the curb in the first 5 minutes. That takes the cake.
Bleh, other than that, it was alright spazzing at home and lanning with Tres, then samming Animaniacs for 2 hours :P. Seriously, e-therapy rocks so much, and its so comparatively cheap haha.
Looks like i'll have no use for this anymore. Or not until March at least :P
Loving the payment received to... Wind It Up - Gwen Stefani
Its been a flurry of activities ever since the A's started, actually. What with the midnight Pratas and the massive DotA sessions..
Last Wed saw Mich/Amanda/Reiko/Justin/Ka and I meeting up for the fabled Rochester Park (#4), where we pretended to be connoiseurs for the night with the ubersexual food. Dessert was WOOOOOO!

Thousand Island Dressing Ups, Gao Les
Friday had the 3N guys soccerring after our final paper PhysS, and i scored 3 goals (even though one was kinda discounted for rebound blahblah)! I had to leave after lunch/tea for driving. Initially, i tried to cancel my 6:55pm lesson, for it coincided with Sena's 21st. But as luck would have it, the lesson didn't get sold and I had to slave away for 3 hours of consecutive driving (as well as forsake my sexy Brazillian meats).
Not wanting the last day of the A's to go to waste, I met up with Jeremy and Shan for desserts/walking around the entire City Hall region and (free) clubbing with P³. AND WOWO it was the first night en route to mPUA-dom :), or at least having the confidence for it.
Saturday was spent at the Kino 20% off, the StandChart goodie bag collection, Happy Feet and a steak dinner at XKK's followed by some midnight soccer.
After Sunday's gym session with Ben/Jem and dinner (+ Nick), it was down to JAZZ @ SOUTHBRIDGE with Boon/Jem/Mich/Tres/Ka. There we met up with new friends and fellow jazz afficionados Gary and Alvin (who was trying to hit on Michelle :P). Fun fun!

OMG Cat Eyes!
Both Boon and Jem went up to jam, since it was open night, and they were superb!

Rock the Kasbahhh!
Then it was off to sleeeep in anticipation for today's DRIVING TEST.
I unceremoniously failed, of course x.X. All omens were pointing to a shitty day anyway, what with the rain POURING once i stepped in the car, the faulty windscreen wiper, the Identity Card fiasco and the likes.. Oh, and mounting the curb in the first 5 minutes. That takes the cake.
Bleh, other than that, it was alright spazzing at home and lanning with Tres, then samming Animaniacs for 2 hours :P. Seriously, e-therapy rocks so much, and its so comparatively cheap haha.
Looks like i'll have no use for this anymore. Or not until March at least :P
Loving the payment received to... Wind It Up - Gwen Stefani