Return To Innocence
With EOCC (Engineer Officer Cadet Course) finally³²³ over (at last whew whee *sighs in relief*), all of our souls are slowly being regained and our social lives are seeping back into the cracks of the concrete block that is NS.
Gone is the time of sub-standard and rushed blog entries; Gone is the constant fretting and worrying that has plagued us even and especially when booked out; Gone is the bad times.
It starts with a Thursday night bookout, one the likes of which has virtually never been seen in Engineers. There's even time to research on universities! I've decided I WANT Cornell, even though it may be a a bit crappier compared to Oxford and blahblah snobby uppity blah (please ignore). They are freakin next to New York and run a gourmet hotel catering business! That moves me one step ahead in my great quest to be a FOODIE/AFFICIONADO/GOURMET.
Good food yes. That's my new thing. Good new food.
Friday sees me meeting up with Cal, who treated me to The Soup Spoon under my recommendation followed by a Boost Juice Mango Madness. Excellent and liquidy and all weight-lossy. Now Comm's Ball officially has Cal-Manda as our emcees! Haha that oughta bring loads of hotness and energy to the event!

After that it was a pop-by-say-hi to Mich who seems just a taad overworked/underpaid, followed by spending $40 and 40 hours (well, felt that way) trying to stick a protective covering on my new love, "dw's sexybeast" (yes, i named my Ipod that). Crashed Nick's and freeloaded some Family Guy before Jie came to bring me to the airport to pick Ka!
Nice Crayfish Horfun at Copthorne Orchid and Ice³ dessert later, and it was 3 episodes of Heroes to end off season 1 and the night.
We awoke on Saturday to SiblingKaraoke@Kbox (now officially the worst cheesiest name for a party). Kbox is awesome! They had "The Way I Are", "Grace Kelly" and loads of other weird new songs that of course we tried to sing. And omg they fed me chinese songs tomispronouce to the extent that i shouldn't be Chinese croon, and hmm maybe i should try learning one or two for my repertoire.

One dazzling Ichiban Sushi lunch later, and it was down to meet Jerry to vet "The Jeremy Auw Trio", the jazz band for comm's ball which coincidentally is my best friend's band x.X No corruption and favouritism here, nope.

There, we were joined with Letitia and Julie and it was nice to talk cock and catch up after all the business was settled down pat.
Finally, it was down to Marina South for a hotwok/steamboat/table barbeque whatever thingy as Cai's treat! He called the (somewhat selective) whole foxtrot/armour gang down and we ate heartily with surprisingly no side effects.

Oooh my choked-up heart.

Foxtrotting all over the world!

The ZaiCai Clique with our fav LT!

My how the times have changed..

OMG Jerry could you stop eating already??!

Da Musicianz: Bose and Matt.

What Cadets are good at: Smoking/Eating/Acting Important
We moved on to Timbre, which is QUITE THE ZAI omg. I'd much rathre come here cause its bettre and sexire and its name is so amusing.

We are fondre of Timbre than othre.. Ok joke getting old.
My Ipod's Wifi and limitless coolness never fails to impress and astound. If one could BUY friends and popularity, they could do so in a Touch. The Wireless@SG connection in Timbre is goooood. The music is goooood.
After that a short stopover to Guang's house (no pun intended omg) wrapped up our night and taught me an important lesson: Never attempt to play Winning Eleven.
Church today, followed by a sexy OutOfThePan lunch with Mich at Raffles City. EH in terms of atas goodness this place i'll rank quite high, so please go and eat the Norweigan Salmon Crepe. Then, it was down to Suntec to collect my StandChart racekit, meeting up with Letitimy along the way.

The weekend ends off with Island Creamery and some fantastic Mudpie. Oh and of course printing out a photo to paste on their wall collage (after MUCH defacing, try to recognise this picture there under loads of marker ink and mustaches).
Now, its only a book-in to LOOK FORWARD to after a nice family dinner at EdenCafe, yet another foodie fanboy fantabulastic place.
Sated, Not Grated to.. Piece of Me - Britney Spears
Gone is the time of sub-standard and rushed blog entries; Gone is the constant fretting and worrying that has plagued us even and especially when booked out; Gone is the bad times.
It starts with a Thursday night bookout, one the likes of which has virtually never been seen in Engineers. There's even time to research on universities! I've decided I WANT Cornell, even though it may be a a bit crappier compared to Oxford and blahblah snobby uppity blah (please ignore). They are freakin next to New York and run a gourmet hotel catering business! That moves me one step ahead in my great quest to be a FOODIE/AFFICIONADO/GOURMET.
Good food yes. That's my new thing. Good new food.
Friday sees me meeting up with Cal, who treated me to The Soup Spoon under my recommendation followed by a Boost Juice Mango Madness. Excellent and liquidy and all weight-lossy. Now Comm's Ball officially has Cal-Manda as our emcees! Haha that oughta bring loads of hotness and energy to the event!

MC #1
After that it was a pop-by-say-hi to Mich who seems just a taad overworked/underpaid, followed by spending $40 and 40 hours (well, felt that way) trying to stick a protective covering on my new love, "dw's sexybeast" (yes, i named my Ipod that). Crashed Nick's and freeloaded some Family Guy before Jie came to bring me to the airport to pick Ka!
Nice Crayfish Horfun at Copthorne Orchid and Ice³ dessert later, and it was 3 episodes of Heroes to end off season 1 and the night.
We awoke on Saturday to SiblingKaraoke@Kbox (now officially the worst cheesiest name for a party). Kbox is awesome! They had "The Way I Are", "Grace Kelly" and loads of other weird new songs that of course we tried to sing. And omg they fed me chinese songs to

Take it to the chorus!
One dazzling Ichiban Sushi lunch later, and it was down to meet Jerry to vet "The Jeremy Auw Trio", the jazz band for comm's ball which coincidentally is my best friend's band x.X No corruption and favouritism here, nope.

Deep in appreciation (disclaimer: images doctored to show interest)
There, we were joined with Letitia and Julie and it was nice to talk cock and catch up after all the business was settled down pat.
Finally, it was down to Marina South for a hotwok/steamboat/table barbeque whatever thingy as Cai's treat! He called the (somewhat selective) whole foxtrot/armour gang down and we ate heartily with surprisingly no side effects.

Oooh my choked-up heart.

Foxtrotting all over the world!

The ZaiCai Clique with our fav LT!

My how the times have changed..

OMG Jerry could you stop eating already??!

Da Musicianz: Bose and Matt.

What Cadets are good at: Smoking/Eating/Acting Important

After that a short stopover to Guang's house (no pun intended omg) wrapped up our night and taught me an important lesson: Never attempt to play Winning Eleven.
Church today, followed by a sexy OutOfThePan lunch with Mich at Raffles City. EH in terms of atas goodness this place i'll rank quite high, so please go and eat the Norweigan Salmon Crepe. Then, it was down to Suntec to collect my StandChart racekit, meeting up with Letitimy along the way.

Creaming the opposition (eh don't think dirty)
The weekend ends off with Island Creamery and some fantastic Mudpie. Oh and of course printing out a photo to paste on their wall collage (after MUCH defacing, try to recognise this picture there under loads of marker ink and mustaches).
Now, its only a book-in to LOOK FORWARD to after a nice family dinner at EdenCafe, yet another foodie fanboy fantabulastic place.
Sated, Not Grated to.. Piece of Me - Britney Spears