I recently read the book
Kitten, whereby said tiny kitten is lost in the forest after it discovers a 'cat-flap' in the toilet, prompting its owners to go all out in a search to recover the helpless animal. Adding to the suspense is the poor kitten's weak hind leg that causes it to walk with a limp. How will the owners ever catch it?
Reading it was an arduous, week-long affair that involved many hours of mind-wracking numbness and monotony. Oh, and i heard they've released a sequel. That would mean my next week will be spent reading it.
Oh and there was a new chemical compound recently discovered too:
Keratine. It displays the most peculiar properties known to man! The scientists involved managed to isolate it for 2 whole years, before it spontaneously bonded with free-domino radicals. They believe that traces of it may still be available within the vicinity of the Whitley Chemical Sciences Laboratory, and are wasting no time in gathering ALL the local scientific minds they could to re-create it.
I, of course, have been one of the great scientific minds tasked with its recovery.
Other than this, even though Mono-Sodium Keratine has been proven to be highly reactive and explosive, its isolation in the proper maximally-secured test-tube/lead box would have great future applications in pharmaceuticals: Abolishing the PAP Smear and acting as a tranquiliser for the general populace.
Finally, have you heard of
M yopic-
SKeletosis? It's this disease running rampant throughout Singapore which leads to dangerously high levels of short-sightness (158cm short, to be exact) and arrogance. Other symptoms include: Thorn-In-The-Sideitis, uncontrollable waste of time and constipation. If anyone catches this bug, please inform the authorities for immediate quarantine.
Hopefully it hasn't yet crossed borders and contaminated other countries.
How many other ways can i NOT speak of his existence and the bane it's brought onto my life?
Bloody MSK.
Body-lockin' and Bottle-poppin' to.. Low - Flo-Rida