Ok what happened to August??! Please stop pulling my leg and somebody please tell me where it all went to..
SO letsee. Since i've kinda grown weary of using my own camera (dont know why also *note to self: camwhore more to make it worth the money), i've spent the last 20 minutes simply collecting pictures from other people and sources.
040807 - 050807
Car-hunting with the CW! Saw two prospective prospects before finally settling on a sushi buffet. Yeeesh.

Ford Laser, Kia Cerato (both surprisingly sexy omg)
Baybeats with Mich!! Met Max and Amanda (May) there too and haha it was a brilliant affair. Random acoustic Angmohh was super good!

They're staging it! So obvious somemore..

080807 - 120807 (National Day weekend!)
Heh was confined on the 8th night for failing this National Education Quiz. By fail i mean 99.99999%. Twas fun nonetheless, and now i need to complete 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' *winks*.
Went for the standard TauHuay fare on Thur morn with Fung/Hanyi/Guang, before going to meet CW for lunch at Cedele's. We had an extremely enlightening discussion about econs, death bonds and aubergines. Not to mention mezzanines O.o After which i met up with Pam to shop for an mp3 player and watch the NDP fireworkS!

Of course you'd expect me to get sidetracked by a car with our National Colours..

Camwhoring during the 1 hour plus wait

Tiramisu Banana Sundae@Random Japstaurant!

Post-NDP Crowd
Popped by to say hi to Mich after that while she worked at Bungy's, before getting sent home by the P³.
Friday was spent recuperating on comics and erm.. more comics. It ended superbly though, with the EFers ( + Tabbie) having dinner at Carnivore and catching a midnightish Rush Hour 3.
Saturday night had a huuuge IKEA run with Max/Mich/CW! I bought these 2 huge glass display cabinets for mytoy model cars, and omg when they were placed in the car you could swear it was final destination-y. Was joined by Jem/Letit for dinner itself there (mmm swedish), before adjourning to Clarke Quay for desserts. YUM! The day finally ended with me at Nick's, sleeping over in anticipation of church with our usual facebook-spam-searching.
170807 - 180807
Crashed Nick's for midnight prata!
Furthermore, since it was a less-than-24 hour bookout, I just decided to laze at home and assemble my Ikea cabinets (Carmen went and broke one of the side glass panes, and i had to go out early morning to replace it x.X) and rearrange the furniture of the house.
250807 - 270807
OMG Saturday was the BEST most packed and essentially best (oh oops i think i already said that) day.
It started off at *cue cock crows* 6am with Casuarina with Fung/Lloyd/Loy/Guang/Collin, superb as usual! We waited outside the place until it opened, and then ravenously spent *dum dum dum* $60(!) on it! Sooo cheap and good wahaha.
After which Loy came over and we lazed around abit (ie let him get verbally accosted by my grandma) before i sent him home. I decided to check SimLim out for a new mp3 player (destroyed likewise by Loy), when i serendipitously bumped into BENCAI! 'BEST FRIEND' OMG wahaha it was so good to see you again coincidentally after all our deliberate planning failed. Bloody ironic.
We walked around a bit and didnt get anything done (typical of SG guys), before finally concluding that i should just loan him my PSP to test. Dropped by home to pass it to him as we lazed around abit more (grandma thinks Cai is a malay), before sending him home and progressing to leg 3 of the day: Jesssss!
Haha it was amazing catching up with someone long lost. Ok long is actually about 4 months? But whatever we're young and its long in proportion. We had super sexy goodness at Eden's Cafe, which she single-handedly navigated us down to (if i dont mention this feat of hers she'll kill me).


Socks :)

WOOHOO more DeathCab members. Haha don't worry you'll get your limited ed T-shirt.
Next in line was a temporary bump into the EFers at Borders, before grabbing Dar and heading down to Brewerkz for our eagerly anticipated BANANAS outing! Shit man its been so long! Glad everyone's doing well and yea i came to the conclusion that we gel so well simply because we have nothing in common, which makes everything we discuss a novelty :)

Pics courtesy of Michie's new phone!

Boys & their bubbling blueberry brew (tongue-twisting too)

Omg its like a TuanYuanFan. *sheds single tear*
And lastly, it was a final meet-up with ShaoMin before she flies back to the US! Tau Huay and ChompChomp Iced Longan drinks.. Haha always fun always fun, and remember to keep that date in question free!
Sunday was less eventful, save for AHM at 530am, some drama in the afternoon that shouldn't be mentioned here and meeting up with Pam at night for Sketches and then Hobohorde for some coffeebean.

Life's good, ya? I'm all prepared to book in! And don't get scared if i want to take pics next we go out. I realise they ARE quite integral to this blog's erm.. integrity.
Drowsing out to... Bounce ft Justin Timberlake - Timbaland
SO letsee. Since i've kinda grown weary of using my own camera (dont know why also *note to self: camwhore more to make it worth the money), i've spent the last 20 minutes simply collecting pictures from other people and sources.
040807 - 050807
Car-hunting with the CW! Saw two prospective prospects before finally settling on a sushi buffet. Yeeesh.

Ford Laser, Kia Cerato (both surprisingly sexy omg)
Baybeats with Mich!! Met Max and Amanda (May) there too and haha it was a brilliant affair. Random acoustic Angmohh was super good!

They're staging it! So obvious somemore..

In front of the Nokia pimp bus :)
080807 - 120807 (National Day weekend!)
Heh was confined on the 8th night for failing this National Education Quiz. By fail i mean 99.99999%. Twas fun nonetheless, and now i need to complete 'My Big Fat Greek Wedding' *winks*.
Went for the standard TauHuay fare on Thur morn with Fung/Hanyi/Guang, before going to meet CW for lunch at Cedele's. We had an extremely enlightening discussion about econs, death bonds and aubergines. Not to mention mezzanines O.o After which i met up with Pam to shop for an mp3 player and watch the NDP fireworkS!

Of course you'd expect me to get sidetracked by a car with our National Colours..

Camwhoring during the 1 hour plus wait

Tiramisu Banana Sundae@Random Japstaurant!

Post-NDP Crowd
Popped by to say hi to Mich after that while she worked at Bungy's, before getting sent home by the P³.
Friday was spent recuperating on comics and erm.. more comics. It ended superbly though, with the EFers ( + Tabbie) having dinner at Carnivore and catching a midnightish Rush Hour 3.
Saturday night had a huuuge IKEA run with Max/Mich/CW! I bought these 2 huge glass display cabinets for my
170807 - 180807
Crashed Nick's for midnight prata!
Furthermore, since it was a less-than-24 hour bookout, I just decided to laze at home and assemble my Ikea cabinets (Carmen went and broke one of the side glass panes, and i had to go out early morning to replace it x.X) and rearrange the furniture of the house.
250807 - 270807
OMG Saturday was the BEST most packed and essentially best (oh oops i think i already said that) day.
It started off at *cue cock crows* 6am with Casuarina with Fung/Lloyd/Loy/Guang/Collin, superb as usual! We waited outside the place until it opened, and then ravenously spent *dum dum dum* $60(!) on it! Sooo cheap and good wahaha.
After which Loy came over and we lazed around abit (ie let him get verbally accosted by my grandma) before i sent him home. I decided to check SimLim out for a new mp3 player (destroyed likewise by Loy), when i serendipitously bumped into BENCAI! 'BEST FRIEND' OMG wahaha it was so good to see you again coincidentally after all our deliberate planning failed. Bloody ironic.
We walked around a bit and didnt get anything done (typical of SG guys), before finally concluding that i should just loan him my PSP to test. Dropped by home to pass it to him as we lazed around abit more (grandma thinks Cai is a malay), before sending him home and progressing to leg 3 of the day: Jesssss!
Haha it was amazing catching up with someone long lost. Ok long is actually about 4 months? But whatever we're young and its long in proportion. We had super sexy goodness at Eden's Cafe, which she single-handedly navigated us down to (


Socks :)

Disclaimer: Does not mean she drove.
WOOHOO more DeathCab members. Haha don't worry you'll get your limited ed T-shirt.
Next in line was a temporary bump into the EFers at Borders, before grabbing Dar and heading down to Brewerkz for our eagerly anticipated BANANAS outing! Shit man its been so long! Glad everyone's doing well and yea i came to the conclusion that we gel so well simply because we have nothing in common, which makes everything we discuss a novelty :)

Pics courtesy of Michie's new phone!

Boys & their bubbling blueberry brew (tongue-twisting too)

Omg its like a TuanYuanFan. *sheds single tear*
And lastly, it was a final meet-up with ShaoMin before she flies back to the US! Tau Huay and ChompChomp Iced Longan drinks.. Haha always fun always fun, and remember to keep that date in question free!
Sunday was less eventful, save for AHM at 530am, some drama in the afternoon that shouldn't be mentioned here and meeting up with Pam at night for Sketches and then Hobohorde for some coffeebean.

OOY wasn't it supposed to be a GROUP retarded picture?!
Life's good, ya? I'm all prepared to book in! And don't get scared if i want to take pics next we go out. I realise they ARE quite integral to this blog's erm.. integrity.
Drowsing out to... Bounce ft Justin Timberlake - Timbaland