July, Abridged:
Brunei as part of SOCJOT! Now that i'm in Combat Engineers, we all had to do a NavEx there. Fun fun skirting waterfalls and trudging up mountains with 30kg's of stuff.
Early morning tauhuay with Guang, Nicole and Jerry.. The first of many to come! Then down to army market shopping and watched '.. Order of the Phoenix'. After that it was down to pick Pam and to Cosfest 07!

Grimjaw>>DW. Pam>>Grimjaw.

Yijun/Dar show their true colours to me. Cal and Ka!

Charlie's Very Weird Angels.

Standard-Emo-Sibling-Cosplay Pic #2

After that it was dinner with Pam (her treat :D!) at some random new Jap place in Millennia Walk. Forgot it was Saturday, and hence had to fight through the National Day rehearsal jam to get down :P

Finally, it was Cold Stone dessert with Shaomin, back once again from the US! Haha shit man we committed SO many felonies that night its almost not funny. Almost.

Before ShaoWei's leave, Don't Ask.

Sunday was with the Cong, introducing him to Botak Jones and Ice³. Heh foooooodies.
The night of many meals omg! Met up with Ka around Clarke Quay for Ricciotti then down to Shisha, where we were joined by Mich, then Jem/Kenneth, then CW.. Whew!Extremely unglam photos of the Shisha, and hence they shall be omitted Ah can't resist.

Puffs puffs *HACKS*

Before, After.

Coffee Club for another meal, and then after sending most back home, was left with CW for some 4am Macdonald's (drive thru KAP!). Hotcaaakes... *drooools*
Went for a super belated Father's Day lunch on Sat, before having to *shudder* book in for live-firing prep the next day. Twas fun riding in a VW GTi and getting HarryPotter all spoiled!
We earned a Night's Out on Sunday, and me/Guang/Lloyd/ChanTong went Chomp-Chomping and crashed his house, to watch none other than GIRLYMAN (search 'indian thriller subtitles' on youtube. won't regret it).
Astar scholarship awards presentation! I'll let the pictures do the talking.. My life for the next 15 years or so omg.

Minister for Something Official.

'We were strangers.. "

Even A*Star has it's pimps (hurhur don't quote me on that)

Then after that i had to book back in for another live-firing x.X
ONLY to book out again on Saturday night haha! Supper at Botak with Hanyi/Guang/Zhiwei (we saw PaulTwohill WOWWEEG@%), then home to change and down to Clarke Quay for 'FINALLY!', Max's party!

Glazed-over look, check.
Irrationally large smile, check.

P3C! Bryan not wanting hisDRUNK high red face shown :)

Lloyd/Guang@CoffeeClub, Charlotte/Leeying also glazed-over

Fung/Charlene, 3N and their former 'teacher'!

Everybody get FREAAAAKY. Random Studio54 Woman
WHEW only got slept at about 6am, then it was a 9am wake-up call to go *senses irony* go church x.X Lunch at Vivo, shopped for Shan's prez and then it was down to 'Knocked Up' with Linus/Dar/Nick/P³. After which it was picking up Letitia/Jem/Mich for a double date ahaha.

Saw 'Simpsons the Movie', followed by a (ie my) recommendation to EdenCafe at ClubStreet, or more endearingly known as Clement's. Once done, we rushed down to SIA Club to cut cake for Shan's 19th.
HapDae You Shan (don't forget to claim da treat!)

Finally, the night toned down with some house-crashing, dog-petting, and car-conversing.
Living life to the fullest to.. Grace Kelly - Mika
Brunei as part of SOCJOT! Now that i'm in Combat Engineers, we all had to do a NavEx there. Fun fun skirting waterfalls and trudging up mountains with 30kg's of stuff.
Early morning tauhuay with Guang, Nicole and Jerry.. The first of many to come! Then down to army market shopping and watched '.. Order of the Phoenix'. After that it was down to pick Pam and to Cosfest 07!

Grimjaw>>DW. Pam>>Grimjaw.

Yijun/Dar show their true colours to me. Cal and Ka!

Charlie's Very Weird Angels.

Standard-Emo-Sibling-Cosplay Pic #2

Hoho such a pic-spoiler.. Not me la, the blue wig of course!
After that it was dinner with Pam (her treat :D!) at some random new Jap place in Millennia Walk. Forgot it was Saturday, and hence had to fight through the National Day rehearsal jam to get down :P

Randomly blinged-up Mazda. Pam's treat!
Finally, it was Cold Stone dessert with Shaomin, back once again from the US! Haha shit man we committed SO many felonies that night its almost not funny. Almost.

Before ShaoWei's leave, Don't Ask.

This shot WAS posed. I swear.
Sunday was with the Cong, introducing him to Botak Jones and Ice³. Heh foooooodies.
The night of many meals omg! Met up with Ka around Clarke Quay for Ricciotti then down to Shisha, where we were joined by Mich, then Jem/Kenneth, then CW.. Whew!

Puffs puffs *HACKS*

Before, After.

Teenage Anti-Smoking Ad Campaign
Coffee Club for another meal, and then after sending most back home, was left with CW for some 4am Macdonald's (drive thru KAP!). Hotcaaakes... *drooools*
Went for a super belated Father's Day lunch on Sat, before having to *shudder* book in for live-firing prep the next day. Twas fun riding in a VW GTi and getting HarryPotter all spoiled!
We earned a Night's Out on Sunday, and me/Guang/Lloyd/ChanTong went Chomp-Chomping and crashed his house, to watch none other than GIRLYMAN (search 'indian thriller subtitles' on youtube. won't regret it).
Astar scholarship awards presentation! I'll let the pictures do the talking.. My life for the next 15 years or so omg.

Minister for Something Official.

'We were strangers.. "

Even A*Star has it's pimps (hurhur don't quote me on that)

Siok/Max, ChorS/Vip
Then after that i had to book back in for another live-firing x.X
ONLY to book out again on Saturday night haha! Supper at Botak with Hanyi/Guang/Zhiwei (we saw PaulTwohill WOWWEEG@%), then home to change and down to Clarke Quay for 'FINALLY!', Max's party!

Glazed-over look, check.
Irrationally large smile, check.

P3C! Bryan not wanting his

Lloyd/Guang@CoffeeClub, Charlotte/Leeying also glazed-over

Fung/Charlene, 3N and their former 'teacher'!

Everybody get FREAAAAKY. Random Studio54 Woman
WHEW only got slept at about 6am, then it was a 9am wake-up call to go *senses irony* go church x.X Lunch at Vivo, shopped for Shan's prez and then it was down to 'Knocked Up' with Linus/Dar/Nick/P³. After which it was picking up Letitia/Jem/Mich for a double date ahaha.

Portabelloes. Mmm.

The Wonder Couples. Free picture spoiler included.
Saw 'Simpsons the Movie', followed by a (ie my) recommendation to EdenCafe at ClubStreet, or more endearingly known as Clement's. Once done, we rushed down to SIA Club to cut cake for Shan's 19th.

HapDae You Shan (don't forget to claim da treat!)

*Xuuuu*. HoboHorde's standard ungram pic.
Finally, the night toned down with some house-crashing, dog-petting, and car-conversing.
Living life to the fullest to.. Grace Kelly - Mika