Foxtrot Social Night: The Coastal Hook-Up
28th June 2007. The one day that required many MANY days of recce-ing, scouting, planning, organising, convincing, calling-up and paying to do.
It was Foxtrot Wing's Social Night, and yours truly was none other than Chairman for the event!
Firstly, let me introduce you to the main cast:

*growl growl*
Its the main-committee! We had MAAANY a fun time together stoning in the (air-conditioned) project room, joy-driving around Singapore, bitching about *ahemahem* the huge-ass bitch, and of course doing all the dirty work.
Push and Jerry were the (occasional) rational voices, whilst Vip was the clown that added hype and spice to everything. Me? Well I was just the lowly, over-dramatic driver :P We all came up with our fair share of out-of-this-world ideas and idiocies (Carnival de Beach With Sand Under the Moonlight).
So anyway, our theme was the boundlessly smart 'The Coastal Hook-Up', which was a cleverly devised pun from ME.Wahaha ok don't shoot me. It's Duck Season, not Lame Duck Season.
The stereotypical Social Night would be that of the ballroom layout with substandard (or at least un-fun) food being served to you while you're stuck at your table doing LOADs of un-socialising. Something like Grad Night but at 20% hype.
Foxtrot's however, had to be something different! We booked a plot of land on the sunny southern island SENTOSA! There, we mounted tentages MUCH nicer than that we experience in camp, and catered in a sexual sound system, on top of lighting/candles/tables/chairs.

The day started off for us at around 12pm. We zooomed frantically from SAFTI (where we got the ginormous projector screens and fire extinguishers) to SengSiong to get drinks. I swear my car had at least 300 kg worth of stores ALONE.

Everything was going smooooothly UNTIL 4pm, when we called CJS caterers (our main catering service), and found out that they thought our event was held on the 29th! After our respective heart attacks, we managed to get them down and they set up shop with minutes to spare.
The menu consisted of (wow i've said this so many times its like ingrained forever):
So ya, WOOHOO to food! All that was left at the end of the night was the Satay, but i bet that's cause people didnt know it was at the back :P
Then there was the ferrying of important people in and out of Sentosa, be it the performers or the committee (or my date, Michelle!)

People started pouring in at about 6pm, and that was where the frenetic fun began:
Push and I went to welcome Wing2 and WingComm respectively. And any pics of them would be tantamount to assassination sia, so shoo.
The programme started with a BANG! It was the Foxtrot Video, Matthew/Julian's superpro dance (which i freakin forgot to record omg), then onto Arafin's full band performance. All the while Daryl was roving table to table doing street magic.
We didn't even have time to take photos and eat, before Jerry/Kenneth/Bose and I scooted off to practice for OUR own acoustic performances..

Kenneth was first up with Champagne Supernova, followed by Jerry with 'Drops of Jupiter' and then.. *dum dum dum* me with 'Cannonball'! Once again i dedicate it to Michies, whom i am eternally indebted to for running around all over the place and not spending enough time with her :P
That was one of the scariest 3 minutes of my life man. You can pinpoint where my voice went weak and squeaky even! Haha but it was a goooood and new experience :)
As the night drew to a close, there was the Fall-In Boys second set (i looove Island In the Sun now thanks to them!), the very hilariously-hosted Prize segment (by none other than Vip), and of course, the FIRE TWIRLER!
After my closing speech, things wound down A LOT and it was finally lax enough to go around camwhoring (ya, my hobby, ok i know)!

The Jeri's

Hottest Couple nominees Matt/Alicia!

Bose/Alvinia, KennethLai + date

Hanyi/Christine, Reference reference row READY!

Best Friend! Mr Phantom Yeo

The 'Best Friends' (+dates+Hanyi)
Sigh and i didn't even manage photos with everyone i wanted! Don't forget to upload your photos online or to Photobucket username foxtrot6707!
After the crowd trickled away, we were left once again with the main committee (and their dates) to do ALL the packing of tables/chairs/trash. Once all the labour was over, we then found out that OMFG WE DIDNT USE ANY OF THE 5billion LIGHTSTICKS we brought down! What other way to clear them then to PIMP MY RIDE:

I better not get fined for this..

It was then down to Holland V for drinks and loads of talk-cock.

Geri you're too short!

Haha that was one of the most memorable nights of my life. And ALL the frustrations and worryings over that night was wellll worth it. I wouldn't have traded this for anything else :)
And on top of that, it didn't rain!
Link to photos here.
Dreading SOCJOT to... Cannonball - Damien Rice
It was Foxtrot Wing's Social Night, and yours truly was none other than Chairman for the event!
Firstly, let me introduce you to the main cast:

*growl growl*
Its the main-committee! We had MAAANY a fun time together stoning in the (air-conditioned) project room, joy-driving around Singapore, bitching about *ahemahem* the huge-ass bitch, and of course doing all the dirty work.
Push and Jerry were the (occasional) rational voices, whilst Vip was the clown that added hype and spice to everything. Me? Well I was just the lowly, over-dramatic driver :P We all came up with our fair share of out-of-this-world ideas and idiocies (Carnival de Beach With Sand Under the Moonlight).
So anyway, our theme was the boundlessly smart 'The Coastal Hook-Up', which was a cleverly devised pun from ME.
The stereotypical Social Night would be that of the ballroom layout with substandard (or at least un-fun) food being served to you while you're stuck at your table doing LOADs of un-socialising. Something like Grad Night but at 20% hype.
Foxtrot's however, had to be something different! We booked a plot of land on the sunny southern island SENTOSA! There, we mounted tentages MUCH nicer than that we experience in camp, and catered in a sexual sound system, on top of lighting/candles/tables/chairs.

Set-Up of the Hook-up
The day started off for us at around 12pm. We zooomed frantically from SAFTI (where we got the ginormous projector screens and fire extinguishers) to SengSiong to get drinks. I swear my car had at least 300 kg worth of stores ALONE.

Final Destination 4: The Death Car
Everything was going smooooothly UNTIL 4pm, when we called CJS caterers (our main catering service), and found out that they thought our event was held on the 29th! After our respective heart attacks, we managed to get them down and they set up shop with minutes to spare.
The menu consisted of (wow i've said this so many times its like ingrained forever):
- Customisable Prata/Briyani/Curries/Samosas/LimeJuice/TehTarik
- Cotton Candy (Vip's fav!)
- Tempura Prawns/Fish/Lamb/Steak/ChocFondue/IceKachang
- Beef/Mutton/Chicken Satay
So ya, WOOHOO to food! All that was left at the end of the night was the Satay, but i bet that's cause people didnt know it was at the back :P
Then there was the ferrying of important people in and out of Sentosa, be it the performers or the committee (or my date, Michelle!)

Shoulda worn matching pink!
People started pouring in at about 6pm, and that was where the frenetic fun began:
Push and I went to welcome Wing2 and WingComm respectively. And any pics of them would be tantamount to assassination sia, so shoo.
The programme started with a BANG! It was the Foxtrot Video, Matthew/Julian's superpro dance (which i freakin forgot to record omg), then onto Arafin's full band performance. All the while Daryl was roving table to table doing street magic.
We didn't even have time to take photos and eat, before Jerry/Kenneth/Bose and I scooted off to practice for OUR own acoustic performances..

Prepping. Jerry 'takin it to the chorus'
Kenneth was first up with Champagne Supernova, followed by Jerry with 'Drops of Jupiter' and then.. *dum dum dum* me with 'Cannonball'! Once again i dedicate it to Michies, whom i am eternally indebted to for running around all over the place and not spending enough time with her :P
That was one of the scariest 3 minutes of my life man. You can pinpoint where my voice went weak and squeaky even! Haha but it was a goooood and new experience :)
As the night drew to a close, there was the Fall-In Boys second set (i looove Island In the Sun now thanks to them!), the very hilariously-hosted Prize segment (by none other than Vip), and of course, the FIRE TWIRLER!
After my closing speech, things wound down A LOT and it was finally lax enough to go around camwhoring (ya, my hobby, ok i know)!

The Jeri's

Hottest Couple nominees Matt/Alicia!

Bose/Alvinia, KennethLai + date

Hanyi/Christine, Reference reference row READY!

Best Friend! Mr Phantom Yeo

The 'Best Friends' (+dates+Hanyi)
Sigh and i didn't even manage photos with everyone i wanted! Don't forget to upload your photos online or to Photobucket username foxtrot6707!
After the crowd trickled away, we were left once again with the main committee (and their dates) to do ALL the packing of tables/chairs/trash. Once all the labour was over, we then found out that OMFG WE DIDNT USE ANY OF THE 5billion LIGHTSTICKS we brought down! What other way to clear them then to PIMP MY RIDE:

I better not get fined for this..

Heh we wanted to park it in MOS Valet.. You know, with the Lambos
It was then down to Holland V for drinks and loads of talk-cock.

Geri you're too short!

Ah that's better
Haha that was one of the most memorable nights of my life. And ALL the frustrations and worryings over that night was wellll worth it. I wouldn't have traded this for anything else :)
And on top of that, it didn't rain!
Link to photos here.
Dreading SOCJOT to... Cannonball - Damien Rice