Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


10 People I Wish To Say These Words To

... but can't, for obvious reasons. I am *not* a backstabber what. Meme kopped from Jessica's blog.
  1. I thought you were one of my better friends. I thought you would watch my back just as I would watch yours. I thought you would respect me enough to at least tell it to my face. I thought wrong.
  2. For such a simple person, I find you the most intriguing of the lot! Stay this way if its in your own best interests, regardless of how much I pressure you to change.
  3. Its amazing how you can tolerate all my bullshit.. Life is fair in that it's given me a best friend in you. I hope we can broaden our horizons and excel in all areas together, and I hope that we stick through thick and thin (as we've already have).
  4. I admire your fire, your vigour, your spirit. I hope that you never let it extinguish, and I hope that you will always be there to light me when mine's been doused. Don't let your indomitable spirit disappear. Foreverrr!
  5. I've had a crush on you for the longessst time. Thanks to circumstances and conventions, its never going to work out.
  6. I regret with 100% what we had and so stupidly gave up. I regret the fact that forever now we shall merely be friends. I regret not being wholehearted and committed. As selfish as this may sound, I hope you feel the same.
  7. All these mixed signals you're sending is really throwing me off. What I read off you may be true after all. For now, I think I'm just going to let the distant past dominate, while i sit here futilely wondering..
  8. Thanks for telling me the truth. Thanks for telling me what a bad person I am, only so that I can improve on myself. Thanks for being there for me, and thanks for standing up for me. You mean a lot more to me than I could ever bear to tell you in person.
  9. Sorry for not showing you all the love and loyalty I should be giving. Sorry for manipulating/guilt-tripping/conning you for my benefit. Thanks for forever being there.
  10. Give me a fresh start. Give me the opportunity to befriend you properly. Maybe all will change, maybe all will be better.

Not going to spill a word of this to... Drive - Incubus


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