Chapter 5: The YoungCroc Awards
The YoungCroc Awards commemorates the progress of many an adolescent buaya, much like the PAP's Good Progress Award! It doesnt matter how bloodily crappy and insignificantly failureish you once were, just as long as there is improvement, you WILL pointlessly receive money!
For the YoungCroc Awards however, you only get a gross picture for your MSN display pic.
It doesnt matter that anyone can copy this off the website.
ANYWAY, the official speech that is supposed to be read out by Dr Balakrishnan (as always), is "These hatchlings evolved into mightier, stronger and more female-friendly crocodiles. These are people deserving of recognition in their fields of erm.. Patriotic Biochemistry. After charting their progress through the year,
Our list of 2006 winners are:"
Lin Congren, for rekindling an old flame and keeping it alight amidst the coldness. Khoo'd job!
Eric Toh, for 2 words: Rachel Heng.
Hong Rilong, for 247249 words, which is far too many to be placed in a single blog entry.
Gan Haoyi, but not for his successful poaching of Sherry. He is graciouslyunloaded bequeathed the Flirtatious Student Award, for calming down such teachers as Alfie/Capy/Fishy.
Nicholas Ong, for well, for being the as-unbuayaish-as-possible Nicholas Ong.
Ng Cheng Wei, for being a disgusting, bumbling fool, yet being much better than his initial 'grossgusting, socially retarded phreak'.
Johan Wong, for attracting random girls in ACJC! WOAH.
Serene Ser, for being so manly she may as well be buaya.
YES! Exhaustive as it may be, these people are eligible for the CROCPIC courteous of artist Dwayne Wang, who is already a fully-fledged amphibian as it is.. (MuggerToad lah!)
Back to the Buay-sics.
For the YoungCroc Awards however, you only get a gross picture for your MSN display pic.
It doesnt matter that anyone can copy this off the website.
ANYWAY, the official speech that is supposed to be read out by Dr Balakrishnan (as always), is "These hatchlings evolved into mightier, stronger and more female-friendly crocodiles. These are people deserving of recognition in their fields of erm.. Patriotic Biochemistry. After charting their progress through the year,
Our list of 2006 winners are:"
Lin Congren, for rekindling an old flame and keeping it alight amidst the coldness. Khoo'd job!
Eric Toh, for 2 words: Rachel Heng.
Hong Rilong, for 247249 words, which is far too many to be placed in a single blog entry.
Gan Haoyi, but not for his successful poaching of Sherry. He is graciously
Nicholas Ong, for well, for being the as-unbuayaish-as-possible Nicholas Ong.
Ng Cheng Wei, for being a disgusting, bumbling fool, yet being much better than his initial 'grossgusting, socially retarded phreak'.
Johan Wong, for attracting random girls in ACJC! WOAH.
YES! Exhaustive as it may be, these people are eligible for the CROCPIC courteous of artist Dwayne Wang, who is already a fully-fledged amphibian as it is.. (MuggerToad lah!)
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