Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


J1 Vball Training #1

Here's a list of possible games that could serve as Icebreakers or just as games to warm the J1s up to each other.


Introducing Self: J1s are to introduce themselves with the basics (name, class, former school) and are to then divulge a lesser-known fact about themselves.

Double Wacko: Standard with newspaper rolled up (or a volleyball in place that can be thrown?). J1s sit in a circle, with J2s standing behind them. One person in the centerr holds a vball, and attempts to throw it at a person after hearing his name called. Only the one standing behind may call out the name for the one in the inner circle. Happens until the Wacker successfully hits the person, and hence swaps places with him.

Soccer Monkey: J1s stand in a huge circle, with one in the center as the designated monkey. They ten try to pass it to one another via kicking and have to call out the other person's name. If the monkey gets the ball, the person who last touched it becomes the monkey in his place.


Green-Line Tag: Everyone is only allowed to run on the green-coloured lines inside the indoor gym. Not run, CRABWALK. 2 catchers are released into the crowd and whomever they tag become catchers themselves.

Chair-Chain: J1s are split into 2 groups of around 9 people. These groups are provided each with 5 or so chairs that they have to be on at all times. These chains are hen required to move from one place to another in a race. Winners choose losers' forfeits, etc.

Cat/Mouse: J1s stand in a double-ringed circle, with one 'Cat'cher and one free mouse. The cat tries to tag the mouse. If the mouse stand behind the pair within the circle, the person in front is displaced and becomes the new mouse. This can be used as an ice-breaker game as well.

Digging Challenge: J1s are split into 2 teams and compete to see who can keep the ball aloft the longest by digging/setting. Winners chose losers' forfeits, or just forfeits in general.

Other things to do: Water breaks, Briefing by capt/vicecapt, intro to volleyball (need a script for this)

That was on Wednesday, the J1s first training which can be said to be quite successful. First was meeting the J2s and intermingling, then went on to games and digging. Then finally, a digging competition which really built up their teamwork (team 1 won and could choose the punishment: either team 2 does sprints or both teams jog. Of course, they did the expected 8D)

Being the 'J1 Training Coordinator' is super cool lah! I get this warm fuzzy feeling inside when coaching the new, young and promising vballers.. Oh, and can subject them to the joys of PT also ;)

MENG! Don't forget tomorrow's! 4-6ish, PT! Wahahahaha

Masticating Mock-fish to... Black Jack - Mos Def


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