Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!



I shall let pictures do the talking (for once):

i pWnz0rz3D u, so stfu noobins

Yes, i WOULD like to be removed from my conjoined twin. He just keeps whining and whining

Siberians: Still Sexy in the Sand

Robo-Dog, Activational.

Since a picture speaks a thousand words, i've already written a veritable tome with those 5 piccys. However, with this prolix blog belonging to a long-winded and verbose author (ME lah, not Mr Brown), i shall inappropriately follow up with my experiences walking Nubi (the last pic) around my sleepy estate.

I was rather frustrated after dragging my biology mugging for what, 3 days? It was supposed to be done in 2, so that i could scoot over to Nick's house for a deliriously... delirious time Black Stratting with DotA.

These frustrations arose over the fact that everytime i got down to studying on my bed, i fell asleep! I'm sure this has no reason to do with my silk quilt, my sub-zero air-con temperatures on a blisteringly hot day out and my irregular sleeping schedules. Hell, i'm sure my abundance (read: 12) of sleeping accessories* isn't the faulting reason as well.

I was checking my e-mail whilst taking yet another (6th for the day) short break, if 'short break' means murdering Time in its sleep with an extremely fast-acting neurotoxin. My father had nosily sent me pictures of Huskies to put on my blog because he decided that the lacking x-factor was that of random pictorial excitement and variation. Well, that and a very gross, self-deprecating writing style.

The immense cuteness led me to assay the daunting task of walking Nubi. Armed only with "Genetic Control and Inheritance" and a leash, i stepped bravely into the sunlight.

Nubi briskly made his mark in the outside world, or should i say marked a maid? Yes, he nearly pee'd on this unsuspecting woman watering the plants. Nubi quickly relieved himself of a huge load and furrily went about his way.

Stopping by the street-light pole for yet another canine stress-reliever, i noticed that the poles are registered by none other than, POLE inc. How original is that? Name the pole-making company 'Pole'. *Cue random Polish joke here to highlight their stupidity*

While we were heading home, we came across a scrawny, underfed (and most probably abused) maid struggling to keep 2 huge golden retrievers tethered. As Nubi bo chuply pranced by, the two feral mutts suddenly started snarling while exerting an unholy amount of strength on the poor maid.

The result? Both dogs rushed Nubi, one jumping on top of him and digging his sickle-like claws into Nubi's back. The other was content with sinking his teeth into Nubi's rump. Fur was flying everywhere. It was... Horrifying.

My maternal instincts immediately came into play and i ushered Nubi into a corner as the maid regained control of her hell hounds. Nubi was whimpering and shivering with his normally pert tail folded in the confines of his legs. He was also very sensitive to touch and would shy away from any form of physical contact. I just crouched down on the ground next to him and hugged him for 5 whole minutes, in the middle of the road.

I felt so scared for Nubi. I was combing through his fur, dreading a bleeding bite mark. He just sat there, licking my hand. In the end, he returned to normal long before i did. While he was back to his carefree self, i was still paranoid when walking by other dogs.

I love you, Nubi.

*It's 2 small square pillows, 3 large pillows, 1 bolster, 2 medium sized soft-toy dogs, 2 small soft-toy dogs, 1 airplane pillow and 1 Mogu bead pillow. Just fyi.

Its a dog-eat-dog world, but i've got... Karma (Remix) - Alicia Keys


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