Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


Stark Whores

Its late, and i have no time for embellishment, so here goes:

Ran a measly 10:0x for 2.4km today, where 0 < x < 9. WAARGH. Soooo lousy and unfit! Of course it could be partially due to the wet and sloshy morning, my ancient-chinese-style binded feet and a outburst of blisters between my toes...

At least NAPFA is over, with my getting gold for yet another year. 26/30 is pure crap though, especially with jen/haoyi/bryan getting in the 27-29 range... Why has God blessed me with inflexibility (or stiffness, heh) and a poor vertical jump height?

More bad news in that my PW group's GPP has been rejected/deemed inappropriate/separated ala wheat from the chaff. This could not come at a worst time (except maybe if it happened tomorrow) as everyone else has their drafts accepted and the go-ahead given... I had this enormous sense of gravity emanating from my heart throughout the entire councillors investiture because of this (oh and my weekly doses of inadequacy due to my leadership position [or lack thereof]).

During vball, we met our new coach! Oh and i'm officially training for setter now (a position i'm absolutely crap at, although that is true for everything else :P). At least i felt i improved and was doing better today than before. Leave it to the friendly we had at the end to go and ruin my day E.e.

It ended at 630pm, leaving me with the dangerously small cellar window of time to bathe and go to yishun by 710. I hence had to improvise by re-wearing my school uniform, dabbing myself down with toilet paper, wiping my feet with my old socks and NOT WEARING UNDERWEAR. O.o commando style for a war movie siah...

Common sense would have told me not to tell you that previous line, but heck, i live on controversy :P.

Anyway, STAR WARS ROCKED! I was one of the first people in the world to watch it WAHAHA *evil Emperor-esque cackle*. For the first time in the new movies, i actually felt more emotion than awe (at the CG) and disgust (at the love scenes). Although those two were recurring guest stars in this one, at least the emotional cast was more, experienced...

ALL GO WATCH! I GO SLEEP! Oh and crap, i won't be able to go for the first night of the vball camp because i have some $200 formal charity dinner thing... Euughs. And don't ask about the title of this entry, the pun was just so cool!

Da DAA da da da DAA da to...
Curbside Prophet - Jason Mraz


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