Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


Abnormal Abdominal

First headaches, now diarrhoea. OooOOoH. Shit (literally), cannot type anymore liaos. Frivolous frogs are creating weird twanging noises in my stomach. Springs stretched beyond their constant of proportionality are being vigorously bent around my intestines. *to-oing-oing*


Multiple 'Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh's of relief.

Stupid Vitagen. I have this conspiracy theory that the Vitagen manufacturers are in cahoots with Singapore's sanitation department. More Vitagen, more diarrhoea, less permanent solid stool staining the sanitation dept's pipes. Furthermore, diarrhoea this toxic will definitely unclog ANYTHING by sheer vitriolic action of dissolving anything away.

Omg its coming back. Worst still, i just finished 3 minutes ago. I'll never be able to complete this entry at this rate *twoi-yong*. If you are wondering why this entry sounds so disjointed, its probably because of the many shiterruptions (definitely not because i've lost my ability to wield English).

Possible other reasons for my DIE-rrhoea:
1) Subway Tuna sub (God, please no. i don't want to lose you! Noooooo!)
2) Weird free fried chicken from the Madagascar premiere
3) Nasi Lemak from the vball camp (i KNEW that chilli was too good to be true...)
4) Mussels from Daryl's party
5) Degenerative Dim Sum from lunch earlier today

Of course, with its current, hold on a sec, *ahhhhh*... intensity, i figure it HAS to be a cruel combination of all of the above, with the Vitagen acting as the primo catalyst in the extremely exothermic reaction (has diarrhoea ever made you feel cold o.O? Too many mints arh?)

Anyway, albeit all my weekend distractions, i managed to finish a PHYSICS tutorial! Wahaha glorifying myself again. Yeeha. Ok stop now. Please.

Oh, and why does my stat counter increase so dramatically whenever i update sketchy, small posts that require little or no creative input? The general blog-reader's sentiment (and level of sophistication) must be extremely low so as to not appreciate my lengthier posts.

Btw, i just realised that people aren't so visceral and... detailed on their blogs (or anywhere else, for that matter). Grossgusting NOW!

Stomach tooi-yooi-yoi-yong to... Best Friends - Missy Elliott ft Aaliyah


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