Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


Win-Lose Situation

Some chagrin-causing blister i got during the badminton spree is oozing pus... Furthermore, i tried to peel it during its moist, soggy stages (which spells intense and excruciating agony for all you sports illiterates). Its located along the outer radii of my right palm, where one generally holds a pen. Or a toothbrush. Or does half the shit they do with hands. Arrgh.

Of course, the spastic incident which aggravated the megalithic pre-callous was the incessant 'mashing' while playing Narultimate Hero 2. Sigh, literally pain for pleasure here.

Speaking about blisters, another has mysteriously sprouted on my right foot. Some gremlin must have slipped a super-glued one into my borrowed soccer shoes such that after i wore it, they stuck fast to my innocent, beauteous appendages. Wail-worthy warts wrecking winded weaklings. Oh ya. Played field soccer today. Uneventful. Losing. Lost. Riiiight...

Sometimes, one's outwardly faults are sooo bloody apparent that even without outside prompting, one can identify it for themselves. In this instance (one out of many, many), i'm referring to my compulsive desire and obsession to WIN. My god sometimes i'm so dusgusting and sick.

For example, in order to win, i will generally sacrifice any physical comfort in doing so and just absorb more and more punishment aka intolerable losses. Basically, its a by hook or by crook strategy. Insulting and jeering also frequent as guest stars on the show of 'Dwayne's Pwnage'.

If i'm on the verge of losing (ie narultimate hero e.e), i will attribute all errors to inane external acts of god and uncontrollable conditions such as blisters... If I do lose, i will be a sore loser and incessantly demand rematches. This sense of competition extends to almost all mental games inclusive of the fields of both chesses and card games.

Of course, compared to my pre-God days, my fanatism with being the temporal winner at such trivial games have diminished... Somewhat.

Anyway, i've had a packed extended holiday thanks to my teeth, friends, family, dog and gadgets. I thank God for all my material possessions (hmm... that sounds quite contradictory in some philo-religious conflict way type of way...)

The dam floodgates of the academic year are threatening to once again burst open, releasing incalculable loads of stress. The prodigious amount of work and CCA will convert the placid and tranquil stream into gushing rapids. Survival in this harsh impending environment is dependent all on one's personal ability to float on. Mutual help and cooperation is what we need to get through the rigorous and gruelling task that is term 2.

Regretting the shortness of the hols to... Hands - Jewel


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