Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


sl-EZ Links

Uggh. Tired more or less with the sudden influx of 8:00 pm ending vball sessions coupled with the PEs and the sleepless nights... Too late and busty, uh, busy to bother updating a full and proper entry, so i'll give you all links to go and 'entertain' yourselves:

Enjoy enjoy! I know i did... in some weird and perverse way, at least!
MSN and my internet are also being bitches, with all bark and no bite... WHERE IS MY CONNECTIVITY!?

As of now, my days will be forever jam-packed... With Vball till 8-ish on mon, tue and thur, SRP shits on wed and sat, baptism class on sat and church on sun, with lots of new hobbies and homework making my life much more than half-empty (aay im feeling pessimistic now)...

Its made more busy by my own idiosyncracies: I know i'm weird in that i feel forever compelled to finish my homework eons before its actually due (read: the day its given), but hey, delayed satisfaction >>> stress and guilt and that nagging voice (which is not my grandmother's, though just as irritating)

Bonding chemically with... 1 Thing - Amerie


  • At 9:41 PM , Blogger dw said...

    issit me or is there something wrong with blogspot? anyone else getting the 'we are unable to process your request' thing?


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