Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


"I'm tired of rumours starting..."

... is probably what is going on thru many peoples' scandal-plagued minds. Hell I've had my fair share of rumours and false accusations (inez, i have no crush on you. remain friends-who-like-marvel-comics please!). Furthermore, things are being blown way out of proportion here, so to all you hyped up niggas, wraps please, wraps please (heh but some behind-the-back discussions i support ;)

Anyway, you may or may not have missed the entry yesterday, but not to fear, i'm sure the blogroll/flooble and its multiplatinum controversy has kept you entertained...

ACHE >>> ACNE. and i have waves of both now after yesterday's Vball 3.5 hr physical training. Its like, everyone was already sore from trng on mon and tues and PE on mon and wed. THEN the sadistic JC2s went and pumped us more for leg power drills... something else in the nether regions is now rock hard (i mean the thighs you dirty dawgs...)

What's more, had to rush for dinner at some random Lebanese restaurant at Holland V. Immediately after training. Which ended at 7:45 pm. And I was fetched direct from school. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH i'm sure u guessed that i did not bathe before dinner, and had to soil some nice clean clothes... Acne ahoy, then!

Today was rather boring in comparison, just went about normally absorbing all the gossip and relaying it back to those who would listen, even those about me e.e Realised will not be spending Valentine's Day here, so can't go and sneaky some cards into some ppl's bags... (riiigghy... that sounded very stalker-ish).

"Oops, I'm sorry, I mistook you for a good neighbour" was my little comment to Nick (who's staying over and has been since Sun) wrt some stupid, arrogant idiot. We were walking Nubi around the estate, where we stopped outside this house that had 2 dogs (one of which looked especially lik Lab, my lost, old and ugly dog). They, as dogs do, started barking their asses off, immediately catalysing the white t-shirt clad neighbour to confront us...

"Don't go and stand in front of my house and aggravate my dogs" was his caustic attack, to which i mouthed some sarcasm and we both walked off, complaining about Singaporean ethics. Can't win at everything, I say, hence am stuck forever wif some socially-inept neigh-burdon...

Tapping my fingers to... Rumors - Lindsay Lohan


  • At 12:43 AM , Blogger Jeremy said...

    lol i can so imagine walking nubi and standing in front of some random cotswold close house. you should have stayed and faced his very unsuitable confrontation with some sarcastic words! instead of being all "can't win at everything." oh well, you really can't win at everything.


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