Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


Hotel Zombie

Saw 2 whole movies last night within the span of 5 hours O.o The touching yet suspenseful Hotel Rwanda and the sophisticated and revelationary Finding Neverland. Leaving lots to ponder about...

Rwanda reminded me of a zombie horror flick along the lines of Dawn of the Dead... So many smelly dirt-caked corpses lumbering towards you hungry for your flesh, the Rwandans were almost as bad as the zombies in the DotD. Ok jokes aside, really, Rwanda had all the elements of a campy horror flick, but with an underlying political message instead. The ominous warnings. The mobs on the streets. The uncontrollable fires. The helpless military. The desperate survivors. The corpse fields. Its like, zombie city!

CTTOI, they should have some random Hotel Zombie movie with a buncha teenagers (esp a busty buxom bimbo) stuck on some zombie-infested island hotel (oh wait, thats been done)... Maybe a shopping centre? (nope, done too). Cordoned city? (done). Right right, i get the drift... Zombie flicks have been worked to their death, or even undeath O.o

The eve of CNY eve, or Night of the Bitch (since old nokia handphone dictionaries spelt 'bitch' as 'chuci', and chuci ye is CNY eve...) School was slack, got pineapple tarts from GP teach, no homework, Vball was toight.

Everything was peachy EXCEPT that i had some super indigestion/gastric from mushrooms at Marche dinner wif class on sunday, so uber stomach cramps during Vball. Its the feeling whereby you need to shit, but nothing comes out or needs to. You need to fart, but only small puffs are released albeit the overwhelming pressure. You need to burp, but swallowing more air to instigate it only aggravates the problem O.o

Anyway, just got some random invitation back to ACSI to collect my prelim awards... sigh, good ol' days gone, only to be replaced by good new days ;)

Some New Fatty Occurrences

Current food fad: HONEY PEARL MILK TEA. Thank God for this, thank God for birthing me in this time-frame and for giving me the taste buds to enjoy this absolute delicacy... Also, the splendorific ban mian (just had durin vball team dinner, cheap and vvv good for a noodle-based staple)

Current Overseas Expedition: Or rather, soon to be. Australia! Will be going over the CNY hols, fri to tues, ponnin 2 days of sch (whoo!) for this. Unfortunately, also will have to pon Vball :( and then all the piling homework... SIGH. Going to have to mass Pokemon there again lol, since might get abit sianz hanging in summer-riddled Perth.

New Aquisitions: Ciara's Goodies album. Not listening yet though, but then pwn pwn pwn finally got it after 4 weeks of futile searching and 4 months of anxious waiting

Tapping my fingers to... 1, 2 Step - Ciara ft Missy Elliott


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