Brutha-ly Love

Welcome to the quarry of the quintessential quirk, the caberet of the crazed cretin, the abode of the aberrant aristocrat, the nexus of the neurotic engineer, the diary of the dogmatic dog-lover and the ranch of the revolutionary romantic! Have fun at your own expense!


Counting Sleep

Slept for a whopping 12.5 hours last night, from 9pm to 9:30 am today O.o. I got so sleepy watching this weird Naruto episode on some Tea Country race...

As if that weren't enough, i just woke up from an afternoon nap (the first i've had in ages) that lasted since 2:30pm (Discover magazine's random cheemness i'm afraid). This must be my body subconsciously catching up from this past week's hectic schedule of trainings and P(Wee) and school.

Furthermore, on Monday morning had this very rude awakening when nai burst through my door screaming that Nubi ran out of the house. It was his first full night out in the front garden and my grandmother conveniently forgot when she let my sis out for work. I literally sprang out of bed and sprinted down the hall and out of the house, beckoning for my troublesome dog to return, to which he just trotted back into the house... WAAAAGH. Couldn't bear to sleep in my sweaty self on my temptress of a bed.

Its quite weird though, how various lengths of sleeping and nap-times affect both your freshly roused or prolonged, awakened self. Here's some facts I feel apply to everyone, or me at least, when it comes to sleeping:

  • The more you sleep, the more refreshed you get. The more you nap, the bigger a headache you get.
  • Wake up quick, more rejuvenated. Wake up slow, feel foggy and hazy.
  • Feel nervous before you sleep, think you cannot sleep, worry about not being able to sleep, hence cannot sleep (vicious cycle of an insomniac).
  • Wake up to go toilet, will be very very groggy and will pee all over the place in the dark. Then realise the damage caused and have to go and clean it with tissue, hence waking yourself up even more (unless you're those sickos who make others clean for you).
Anyway, grogginess fills my mind as i sit here typing this. Woke up on my own accord over a span of 40 minutes since Rick Dees countdown started at 4pm (was drowzing off through the first 8 or 9 songs).

Only this will wake me up fully now...

Tapping my fingers to... Signs - Snoop Dogg ft JT


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